Be Newsletter
Issue 47, October 30, 1996
Table of Contents
European Be Demo Tour
- October 31 throught November 2, 1996
Apple Expo Benelux in Amsterdam
Thanks to our Be geek correspondent teams in Belgium (Allen
Lee) and France (Jean-Marc Ouvré), the BeOS(TM) for PowerMac
and the BeBox will be presented in the Macworld magazine
booth during the exhibition at:
RAI Exhibition Halls
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Demonstrations of the BeOS for PowerMac will also be held at
the Spierings booth.
For more information, visit
Be Demo Tour: BeBox Demo in Nashville
- Monday, November 4, 1996, 6:30 pm
Nashville MUG / BeBox Demo Meeting
Nashville Tech
Clement Auditorium
White Bridge Road
Nashville, TN
Contact name: Clark Thomas
Tel: (615) 269-6936
- Tuesday, November 5, 1996, 7:00 pm
Vanderbilt ACM / BeBox Demo General Meeting
Stevenson Center, Room 5326
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
For a map of the Vanderbilt campus and a map showing how to
get to Vanterbilt from Nashville, see the Be Events page
REGISTRATION FOR BE DEMO TOUR EVENTS: E-mail to register for any event. Please tell us
your name, the names of the people coming with you, and the
meeting name (UW-Seattle or FireBUG-Seattle). Admission for unregistered guests will be on a
first-come, first-served basis.
BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: Filtering Out the Noise
By Peter Potrebic
One of the new features in DR8 is message filtering, which
is based on the BMessageFilter class. This class, along with
associated functions in BLooper and BHandler , gives
developers a powerful tool for filtering messages. Prior to
DR8, the BeOS allowed you to filter only a few system-defined messages, such as B_MOUSE_DOWN and B_KEY_DOWN . This
old-style filtering was part of the BWindow class (see the
sections on BWindow::FilterMouseDown , FilterKeyDown , and so
on in The Be Book). The new filtering system is much
It's worth noting that the old style of filtering still
exists in DR8, but it's on the chopping block, and one day
soon it will be gone. So now's the time to learn about the
new filtering mechanism and to update your code.
BMessageFilter provides two styles of filtering. The first
is based on a built-in hook function, which you can override
in your subclass:
virtual filter_result
BMessageFilter::Filter(BMessage *msg, BHandler **target)
The Filter() function is then called for any message that
matches the "filter" criteria. The target parameter
indicates which handler is destined to receive the message.
By passing a pointer to a pointer, you're allowed to alter
the target. The hook function returns a filter_result that
is either B_SKIP_MESSAGE or B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE . The latter
tells the system to continue processing the message, while
the former says to stop, the message should be discarded.
BMessageFilter also supports a function pointer interface,
removing the need for subclassing (this ought to make some
of you out there happy). With this style you can define a
filter function like so:
my_filter_func(BMessage *msg, BHandler **target,
BLooper *looper)
You can then pass a pointer to this function to the
BMessageFilter constructor:
new BMessageFilter(... <other arguments> ...,
What's with "<other arguments>" you might ask? Let me
explain. The BMessageFilter class is designed to filter
messages using various criteria, specified using these
<other arguments>. Are you interested in a filtering a
particular kind of message, for example, the B_MOUSE_DOWN
message, or are you interested in any message sent by a
particular party, for example, any third party? Maybe you're
interested in some combination? BMessageFilter s give you all
this power and more.
There are three distinct characteristics of a message that
can be used to define the filter criteria:
- "How" How did the message arrive. Was it dropped by a user
or programatically delivered using
PostMessage or
SendMessage . The options are B_ANY_DELIVERY,
- "Who" Who originated the message. Was it the app itself or
was it some other application. The options are B_ANY_SOURCE,
- "What" What type of message is it. This is the "what"
field of a
BMessage and can be any value.
Now the "<other arguments>" will make sense:
new BMessageFilter(message_delivery how,
message_source who,
ulong what)
These three criteria can be combined in arbitrary ways. Here
are several examples:
- You want to filter a particular message, say
but you're not interested in how the message was delivered
or who sent the message. Here's the filter to want:
This example is basically mimics the old-style
BWindow::FilterKeyDown() function.
- You want to filter any dropped message that came from
another application, and instead of subclassing and
overriding the
Filter() function, you've decided to write
your own filter function:
By not specifying a particular "what" field, all dropped
messages will be filtered, regardless of the "what" field.
- You're really nosy and want to peak at every stinking
message. Here's what you would do:
new TNosyMessageFilter(B_ANY_DELIVERY, B_ANY_SOURCE)
Now that you know how to create filters, you need to know
how to attach them to loopers and handlers in order to
actually do anything. You've got a couple of options here.
You can filter messages targeted for a specific handler, for
example, a specific view in a window. Or you can filter all
messages that go through a particular looper, for example,
all messages being dispatched by a window. You chose between
these alternative by adding the filter to the appropriate
BLooper::AddCommonFilter(BMessageFilter *filter)
BHandler::AddFilter(BMessageFilter *filter)
Filters added to a handler only apply to that handler, while
filters added to a looper using AddCommonFilter apply to all
messages dispatched by that looper.
That's about all there is to filtering. Until next time,
happy filtering.
News from the Front
By William Adams
I'll admit it. I didn't have enough time to spend on this
week's article. I was off in Seattle giving demos and
writing articles for magazines. So those of you who are very
astute will notice that I'm treading water this week and
only offering what amounts to a lot of filler. But I want to
stay in your face and on your mind lest you forget how nifty
and neat the BeOS is to program and use.
First of all, although I've been very busy, I still have a
coding sample.
Multipede is a very minimalist port of the xcentipede game.
This is an arcade classic. The primary feature of this
little app is that it demonstrates how to use the following:
Of particular interest might be the ATicker class. This is a
simple thread-based ticker, which can generate a Tick() at
any given interval, or rate, using any units of time. It's
used by the GameStick object to periodically poll the
joystick position.
You may also find the AThread object (oskernel.h) useful as
a simple encapsulation of the thread functions of the BeOS.
This is very useful in many different areas when you may not
feel comfortable with the standard 'C' interface to threads
the OS provides.
The original X-based code was all in one file. It was
compact and pretty straightforward. The Multipede release
consists of many files, it's more modular, and, I believe,
easily understood. I tried to create a sample that was
first, a native implementation of the BeOS, and second, easy
to understand and useful for subclassing. So there you have
Title: BetMap
Author: CHAUT Pierre-Emmanuel (
This is a funky paint program that shows great spirit. The
general concept is that everything is a plug in. You drag
and drop tools from browser windows to make them active;
then you use them. The interface is not what you typically
expect of a paint program, and some have commented that it
is harder to use. But the author has made what I would
classify as a valiant effort in producing an architecture
that makes extreme use of components. It's in the same vein
as the AudioElements program mentioned earlier.
Whether you like the interface this program uses or not,
every developer could stand to win by adopting such an open
extension to their application by way of add-on support.
Well the good news is we'll be releasing some more of the
code to the applications found in the /apps folder. The bad
news is, some of the apps don't have what we would call
'pretty' code. These apps will take some time to release. We
want to release them in a little bit better form than as
raw, uncommented shovel ware, but the tutorials will take
some time. The general criteria for release will be:
- Is the code commented and readable.
- Does the code demonstrate sound coding style for the BeOS
On the early release list will be:
- Clock
- Edit
- FontDemo
- Kaleidoscope
- Mandelbrot
- ImageViewer
- PlaySound
- PoorMan
- Pulse
Later arrivals will be:
- CDPlayer
- Edit
- IconWorld
- MiniPlayer
- MineSweeper
All the others were not fit for human consumption, or are so
out of date that they are not relevant, or have a license
agreement that prevents source from being released.
I would like to get them up on the ftp site as quickly as
possible before they become irrelevant in the face of the
DR9 release, at which time they will be updated and released
again, or a new crop of more tintillating examples will be
So there you have it. No pontification or cheerleading this
week. Just some code samples and promises of more code
BE DEVELOPER TALK: AppSketcher Available Now for Free!
By Marc Verstaen, International Lorienne Inc. [Now BeatWare, Inc.]
While the AppModeler development toolkit never came out with
DR8 as announced, AppSketcher replaces it now. A few more
weeks were needed to make it solid and robust, ready to
increase Be developers' productivity. Many Be developers
have been helping us to enhance AppSketcher, with relevant
comments in the newsgroup and the BeDevTalk
mailing list. Beta testers were also very helpful in our
efforts to design an object development tool that provides
benefits to the whole Be developer community.
Why and What Is AppSketcher?
Although Be Interface Kit is very easy to use and to program
with, most of us prefer to concentrate on the development of
specific parts of our applications, rather than spending
time generating a coherent user interface.
As you will discover, AppSketcher is more or less a
nutshell: All it knows is that a world can be described with
windows, views, controls, and menus. But no particular
object is loaded the first time you launch AppSketcher, so
the first step is to parse the header files corresponding to
the kits provided by our favorite Be engineers. Then
AppSketcher knows more: It can manipulate objects from the
Interface Kit and even create applications. You can now
design your interface graphically, connect control objects
to your functions, even test your user interface. What comes
next depends only on you: If the objects provided by Be
fulfill your needs, you don't need to read more. But if you
want to implement your own objects, with their own look and
feel, or if you want to set some parameters for objects
directly in AppSketcher, then you will have to teach it
about your own classes. As part of this process, you will
modify AppSketcher and increase the range of its features.
Our job is done now, and we're waiting for you to take care
of our child and to help him become a grown-up.
What Can You Expect from AppSketcher?
AppSketcher offers:
- A graphical interface design tool, which can be used
- The capability to add C++ objects, either as interface
elements or simply as objects that applications create
- A way to connect interface items (controls) with the
member functions of the objects that have been added
- A process for initializing object members with the pointer
to other application components
- A tool you can use throughout a project's lifetime
All you have to do now is connected to the Be web site,
download AppSketcher, and read its documentation.
(AppSketcher will be available in the Developer area of the
Be web site this week. Watch the What's New page for the
We'd like to thank Be, Inc., whose BeOS has made the one-
year-old AppSketcher application possible. All of us at
Lorienne [Now BeatWare] were very pleased to work with talented Be team.
A Pretty Embrace
By Jean-Louis Gassée
Once again, we're treated to a great show. Fortunately,
there's also substance behind the verbal pyrotechnics and
the demos. I'm referring to the most recent Network Computer
announcements -- of course. And I'm betting we'll all
benefit in the end from the sometimes raucous conflict
between the advocates of the NC and the defenders of the PC.
But let's start with the basics. Ostensibly, the NC is a way
to fight the ever-increasing cost of ownership of a PC. A
number of studies by the Gartner Group or Forrester Research
agree corporations spend around $10,000 per year, per PC.
The culprit is the growing disorder and fat afflicting
hardware and software configurations.
For years, Sun has claimed the newtwork _is_ the computer,
and they built a nice business on that claim. They also
transmogrified their set-top box language, OAK, into Java, a
way to design and deliver platform-independent applications.
Et voila, all the ingredients for NC. Just a processor,
memory, and network connection and you have a machine that's
both less expensive to purchase and to own. Less expensive
to purchase because you get rid of unnecessary organs, such
as the floppy, the hard disk, or a bus. Less expensive to
own because all the data and programs are centrally (and
thus more safely and economically) managed. When you need
it, you invoke the Java word processor from the server. When
you're done, it disappears without cluttering your system.
Clean computing.
We know, of course, life is never that simple. Nagging
questions arose immediately. Such as the need for some
caching device. A hard disk, perhaps. But then, what's the
difference with a PC? The fact Microsoft doesn't control the
architecture? Unfortunately, the argument degenerated into
an anti-Microsoft one, confusing what the NC does for the
customer with what it does against Microsoft.
In the early days of the NC battle of words, Bill Gates
openly derided the concept, pointing to the weak difference
in hardware costs between a PC and an NC. But the issue of
cost of ownership did not go away, especially with the
sometimes painful transition from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95
and Windows NT. Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy are powerful
ideologues and very successful businessmen. Their advocacy
of the NC carries weight, and Java gained traction, now
assured of becoming a mainstream language.
So what did Bill Gates do? Last week, at the Agenda
Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Larry Ellison had an off
day. His pitch for the NC wasn't as calm and statesmanlike
as we were used to expect from him. Bill Gates, on the
contrary, decided to embrace the key NC concepts and, by
pure coincidence, the official announcement came yesterday,
right on the eve of Sun's official NC intro. There are some
good ideas there, some real problems, said Bill. We'll have
a simplified PC architecture supported by Compaq, Hewlett-
Packard, Dell, and other noted players. It will be less
expensive to purchase and to own because we'll offer the
capability to centrally manage data and application
Critics say it's a mere retooling of the SIPC, the Simple
Interactive PC architecture previewed in February. It
doesn't matter. What counts is what will be delivered, by
whom, and when. In the end, we're likely to get in the
healthy habit of delivering and updating software
automatically over the network, the Internet or the
intranet, thus making users and software developers happier.
Plus it will make a couple of companies, such as Marimba,
who've already thought of that business, richer.