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Table of Contents
BeOS Demo in Houston, TX The Be Team will be demonstrating the BeOS for Intel at the HAL-PC meeting in Houston, TX. Presentations start at 7:00 PM.
BeOS at NAB The Be Team will be demonstrating the BeOS at NAB in the Adamation booth (Be third Party Developer)
BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: New Windows of Opportunity (Part II: BDirectWindow) "The needs of digital content design, not to mention physics and economics, are coming into conflict with current OS architectures. A new definition, the Media OS, can unlock the door to more powerful media-based personal systems, and extract more performance from the systems we are using today." This is the summary of a very interesting technical white paper, The Media OS, http://www.be.com/products/beos/mediaos.html, which points out a harsh reality of today's computer systems: Even though the hardware necessary to create a blazingly fast media workstation is available now (and at affordable prices), legacy operating systems won't let go of the leash. Unshackling the hardware is exactly what we have been trying to address in designing the BeOS to smoothly handle multiple heavy duty tasks at the same time. Be's commitment to the media world has been strongly strengthened in the last few months, thanks to the work of our new media team. On the graphic server side, adding support for 15 and 16 bits per pixel color depth was the first step toward integrating the new media framework. The creation of BDirectWindow, the topic of today's lecture, is a second step. Let's imagine you have a fast and cheap piece of video acquisition hardware -- say, the Bt848 based card ($90.00) -- and a fast, moderately-priced Matrox AGP graphics accelerator ($200-250). You want the AGP to display a video stream sent in realtime by the Bt848. How are you going to do that? On a legacy OS, the standard answer is to DMA every frame to an off-screen buffer in main memory and then shuffle each buffer to the screen using the graphics system. In no time you've earned yourself a hefty overhead and some synchronization problems. So the geek in the corner raises his hand and asks: "Why not DMA directly into the frame buffer?" Good question. It's possible -- but you'll have to switch to exclusive full screen mode. No more windows, and, in many cases, no more graphic system support (who needs that ;-). What you gain in improved bandwidth, you lose in extensibility, scaleability, and general usefulness. Then our friend speaks again: "So why not access the frame buffer directly, but stay synchronized with the windowing system at the same time?" And the rest of the class laughs. Back in the real world, there are a few architectures that attempt to juggle direct buffer access with a general windowing system, but they're usually limited to "temporary exclusive access." This means you can lock the entire screen, query the state of a window, do whatever direct access you need, and then unlock the screen. Unfortunately, these implementations perform poorly, they're very heavy to use, and they don't respect any reasonable scheduling expectations (it's impossible to avoid dropping frames if you do anything else at the same time). Clearly not what you would expect from a multimedia workstation. Now it's time to look at Simply put, In addition to supporting the BWindow API, virtual void DirectConnected(direct_buffer_info *info);
(Typically, "what you need to do" means changing the graphic context that's used by the thread that you created to control the animation or streaming -- or whatever you're doing.) The argument to typedef struct { direct_buffer_state buffer_state; direct_driver_state driver_state; void *bits; void *pci_bits; int32 bytes_per_row; uint32 bits_per_pixel; color_space pixel_format; ... ... uint32 clip_list_count; clipping_rect window_bounds; clipping_rect clip_bounds; clipping_rect clip_list[1]; } direct_buffer_info; * buffer_state, when masked with B_DIRECT_MODE_MASK, tells you the state of frame buffer access: switch (info->buffer_state & B_DIRECT_MODE_MASK) { case B_DIRECT_START : /* Access is initiated. */ ... case B_DIRECT_STOP : /* Access has ended. */ ... case B_DIRECT_MODIFY : /* The buffer has changed. */ ... } You always get a B_DIRECT_START when the window is opened, followed by any number of B_DIRECT_MODIFY states, and then a B_DIRECT_STOP when the window is dragged or closed, or if the screen resolution changes. (A "window dragged" or "resolution changed" stop command would be followed immediately by another start.) Other buffer_state masks tell you if the visible portion of the buffer has changed (B_CLIPPING_MODIFIED), if the window has been resized (B_BUFFER_RESIZED) or has moved (B_BUFFER_MOVED), or if the frame buffer has been reset (B_BUFFER_RESET). * driver_state indicates the state of the graphics card. B_MODE_CHANGED means that the resolution/depth of the screen changed since the last DirectConnected was called. B_DRIVER_CHANGED means that your window was moved onto another monitor. * bits is a pointer to the frame buffer data (in your app's memory space). * pci_bits is the address of the frame buffer in the pci memory space. You need this if you're doing DMA. * bytes_per_row, bits_per_pixel, and pixel_format describe the size and format of the frame buffer pixel data. * window_bounds and clip_bounds are bounds rectangles that enclose the entire window and the visible portion of the window. * clip_list_count and clip_list are the number of rectangles that make up the visible portions of the window, and the rectangles themselves. RESPECTING THE CLIPPING AREA IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY. It won't be enforced for you by the system (it can't, as you get direct access to the frame buffer). This means your clipping code has to be as good as the system clipping code. This is probably the biggest drawback of BDirectWindow. The direct_buffer_info structure itself is obsolete as soon as DirectConnected() exits, but the information it contains remains valid as defined by the protocol.
An Example This brief excerpt shows a simplified MyDirectWindow::MyDirectWindow(...) : BDirectWindow(...) { open_dma_control(); connected = false; connection_disabled = false; my_locker = new BLocker(); } MyDirectWindow::~MyDirectWindow() { connection_disabled = true; Hide(); Sync(); delete my_locker; close_dma_control(); } void MyDirectWindow::DirectConnected(info) { if (!connected && connection_disabled) return; my_locker->Lock(); switch (info->buffer_state & B_DIRECT_MODE_MASK) case B_DIRECT_START : connected = true; init_direct_screen_access_context(); start_dma(); break; case B_DIRECT_STOP : stop_dma(); connected = false; break; case B_DIRECT_MODIFY : update_direct_screen_access_context(); modify_dma(); break; } my_locker->Unlock(); } Note the Many more examples using BDirectWindow should be available in the following weeks.
BDirectWindow as a BWindow BDirectWindow is a dual object, with two completely independent parts (a regular BWindow and a direct screen access context). The parts should intermingle as little as possible. This split is necessary for two reasons: Reason #1: The direct window context lives in the present;
BWindow lags behind. The graphics state information you get
from Reason #2: The two parts use entirely different protocols
for communicating with the app server. If you mix the
protocols -- in other words, if you make normal BWindow
calls from within Unfortunately, you have to use BWindow (or BView) calls to
get event messages, so you can't shut out the BWindow world
altogether. Just be extremely careful to never use a
"normal" BWindow call in a portion of code that can block
BWindow or BDirectWindow? BDirectWindow is certainly a very powerful API, but at the same time it's a tricky one. When you use the direct frame buffer access capability of BDirectWindow, you assume responsibility for two non-trivial operations: You have to... A) Perform all drawing operations yourself (no drawing functions are available to help you), and... B) Respect the clipping region. The first task usually means writing more drawing code (including handling different frame buffer formats, which means recognizing different pixel depths and endiannesses). The second task just makes the first one much more complex, since you need to do both drawing and clipping in one pass. This compounded complexity should weed out "casual" development. (In the future, we'll work on a low-level API that combines software and the hardware's accelerated functions to help you perform these tasks, but for this release you're on your own.) Furthermore, BDirectWindows can be difficult to debug since
a deadlock or crash in the We recommend BDirectWindows for use in these four scenarios (only):
In all other cases, we strongly recommend that you either... A) Use the standard BView drawing function to draw directly on screen, or... B) Draw into a (main memory) off-screen buffer (i.e. a
BBitmap) first, and then blit the bitmap through BView's
An aside: One thing we *strongly* discourage is the
reimplementation of In conclusion, we would like you to imagine what will happen when you use BDirectWindow in your applications. You will see ordinary apps that are streaming live video, doing smooth pixel animation, doing real time lazy video buffering, and certainly a lot of other cool effects (I'm scared just thinking what our geeks are going to do with this :-). You will move direct windows, resize them, superimpose them, switch resolutions on the fly. For example, we tried 3 video windows streaming 30 fps, two 320x240, one 640x480, 16 or 32 bpp, or 8 software animations in 400x300. And the great thing is that it all looks like a "normal"
graphics system; The user won't notice that
And that's when innovation is at its best, when it gives us more of what we want, but with a transparency that "hides" the machinery.
DEVELOPERS' WORKSHOP: Release 3 and You "Developers' Workshop" is a new weekly feature that provides answers to our developers' questions. Each week, a Be technical support or documentation professional will choose a question (or two) sent in by an actual developer and provide an answer. We've created a new section on our web site. Please send us your Newsletter topic suggestions by visiting the web site at: http://www.be.com/developers/suggestion_box.html.
This week brings a bevy of topics from the BeDC and BeDevTalk.
Importing and Exporting Symbols There was quite a furor on BeDevTalk over this topic following my last Newsletter article previewing Release 3. Many of these concerns and questions reappeared during various sessions at last week's BeDC. I figured I'd take the opportunity to clarify our position regarding importing and exporting of symbols, and to go into detail about the issue overall. First off, we are specifically discussing the exporting of symbols from libraries (including add-ons), and the importing of those symbols into applications. There are three different methods that work for both PPC and x86, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Before detailing these, however, we need to review some general issues that affect all of them. The main caveat is that on x86 whether a symbol is exported or imported is determined at compile time, not link time. Furthermore, the very first time a symbol is found determines whether it is imported or exported. This is very important. If you want to import or export a symbol it's important to specify it at the very beginning of your code. Any other import or export specification is ignored. Another caveat is that the import and export of symbols is compiler- and linker-specific. A method that is supported in one compiler is not guaranteed to be supported by another. For now, while only the Metrowerks compiler and linker are available for the platform, this is not an issue. But in the future, as more compiler vendors choose to support the BeOS, this will become significant. Before questions about additional compiler support start rolling in, we are actively pursuing the matter, but Metrowerks will be our provider for the foreseeable future. Importing symbols is of primary importance when linking against a library. When you are loading an add-on you are explicitly finding the symbols yourself, so they only need to be exported. Even when you are dealing with a library, importing symbols from that library isn't mandatory. On PPC, there is no need to declare any global symbols as importable (although there is no harm either). On x86, however, there is an advantage to declaring symbols importable: speed. With the symbol declared importable, you need only a single instruction to find the associated code. If the symbol is not declared importable, two instructions are required. This slows down your code, perhaps imperceptibly, but slows it nonetheless. We recommend explicitly importing symbols, to gain the speed benefit on x86. Now, on to the various import and export methods.
Export Files The first and least compatible method for importing and exporting symbols is through the use of export files. The theory behind this method is to first compile the library and explicitly export all global symbols to a text file. Then this text file is edited and used to define exactly what symbols are imported or exported. While this method works for both platforms, the format of the export files differs across platforms. On PPC an .exp file is used, and on x86 either the CMD or .def file format is used. This requires a different file for each platform, and these files require updating whenever new symbols are needed for export. This could lead to a lot of management issues. #pragma export & #pragma import The traditional PPC method for exporting symbols is to wrap a group of symbols in #pragma export on and #pragma export reset. These symbols are then exported. This is what you are probably familiar with in your current code. It works perfectly well with the current compiler (much better than the export files, as the declarations are contained in your current header or code files) and is much easier to keep updated. There will be some amount of shuffling to make sure that the export or import declarations are wrapped around the first declaration of the symbols, but this system works well on both platforms. The shuffling needed could either be a good deal of work, or not, depending on the state of your current code. However, this method is unlikely to be supported by different compilers for the BeOS, as #pragmas are by definition very compiler specific. __declspec(dllimport) & __declspec(dllexport) As you may have heard by now, this is our recommended method
for both platforms. While it's not very pleasing
aesthetically, Regardless of whether you choose to use #pragma export or
Since you'd need to write this file from scratch we
recommend that you just use the As requested on BeDevTalk, here is an example application and library that shows an example of using forward declaration files to control export and import of symbols. It uses the multi-platform makefile I mentioned in my last Newsletter article, updated for PPC for Release 3. The makefile can be downloaded separately from the second link: Import Export sample: ftp://ftp.be.com/pub/samples/intro/obsolete/impexp.zip Release 3 PPC and x86 makefile: ftp://ftp.be.com/pub/samples/intro/obsolete/Makefile
Cross-Compiling Another topic discussed at the BeDC was cross-compiling. The new Metrowerks tools that will soon be available include PPC compilers and linkers that produce x86 executables and x86 compilers and linkers that produce PPC executables. To use these tools you need to copy over the appropriate libraries from either x86 or PPC to link against. At this point, we do not feel confident recommending the cross-platform tools for a simple reason: testing. We haven't done enough testing at Be to ensure that these tools work as they are supposed to, although Metrowerks has done extensive tests. The main reason we are discouraging their use, however, is that we feel developers need to adequately test their own applications -- on both platforms. If developers are going to have both platforms available for testing, they might as well compile on the appropriate platform and be done with it. What we suggest for people who do not have access to both platforms -- especially our new x86 developers who might have difficulty obtaining compatible PPC hardware -- is that developers team up to make sure that software is thoroughly tested before being released to the public. We cannot state this strongly enough. There are enough byte order issues and other problems to make testing both binaries exceedingly important -- as important as ensuring that both flavors of the BeOS have all of the same applications available.
Resource Conversion My final topic concerns a failure on our part when producing the Release 3 CDs that will be available to you soon. In the documentation for Moving from PR2 to Release 3, we discuss some rather limited resource conversion tools rescvt_PPC and rescvt_intel. These tools extract the resource fork from a PPC executable, perform some byte-swapping on its contents, and convert the data to the x86 resource format. Full docs on their use are in the above file. The problem is that the tools themselves can't be found in /boot/beos/bin as noted. We forgot them. So here they are: ftp://ftp.be.com/pub/samples/intro/obsolete/rescvt_ppc.zip ftp://ftp.be.com/pub/samples/intro/obsolete/rescvt_intel.zip Some quick reminders about these tools are in order. They are extremely limited. They will convert and swap Application Info data, BMessages, Icons, mime-types, and not much else. Any developer-defined resources will not be swapped or exported, and user-defined data in BMessages may be corrupted by this process. If you only use resources for basic application information, these tools should work fine. If you use them for anything else, you are much better off creating the tools from scratch for x86. We are working on a cross-platform resource format, and hope to have it available by R4, but it is possible it might slip beyond that time.
Erich RingewaldWe had a grand time last week at the BeDC, our developers' conference in Santa Clara. In many respects, it was a coming out party or, if you prefer, our first baby steps in the Intel world -- well-received ones, it seems. And today, I want to pay homage to someone who played a key role in the development of our company and our product: Erich Ringewald. Around this time last year, as Intel engineers moved into a cubicle in our office and started working with us on the port, and as we were making fund raising plans, Erich let me know he didn't see himself forever in his combined CTO and VP of Engineering jobs. We started looking at what this meant for him and for us, whether, for instance, he would some day dedicate himself full-time to the CTO job. A year later, the BeOS runs on Intel, we've raised about $26 million (we got more investors in the last few days preceding yesterday night's "last call"), and Erich has decided to get a taste of the consulting world. I've always valued Erich's unique combination of technical and business insights and I wasn't surprised when he told us he'd immediately found two valuable assignments as a consultant. I first met Erich at Apple. His office wasn't far from mine on the 3rd floor of the De Anza III building in Cupertino, where he worked on MultiFinder with Phil Goldman, now at WebTV. He later moved to Apple's European R&D group in Paris. That's where I met him during Christmas 1990, shortly after starting Be. He'd heard I was "doing something" with Steve Sakoman, he was interested, he joined us, moved back to the US, became the head of our software group, and built a small group of very capable programmers who, in turn, built a small and very capable OS. Erich sometimes jokingly referred to himself as a "cheap-seeking" missile. I, personally, and the company, more generally, owe a great deal to his penchant for parsimony, whether in furniture or in system architecture. After years of working for a very rich employer, I needed this kind of detox, and the company would have died from "rich" architectural decisions. Erich fit very much the player-coach model we wanted for executives in our company. He wasn't afraid to crawl under desks to wire the company, observing that CTO really meant Chief Telephony Officer. In February 1994, AT&T told us they weren't going forward with their Hobbit microprocessor development. This meant Steve Sakoman's labor of love, a two-CPU, three-DSP dream media and communications machine was gone. Imagine you're the publisher and your author just lost his manuscript. Lightning struck and the hard disk and the back-up are both gone. What do you do? You tell the author this is a great opportunity: the great novel is really in him, not on the disk, and this is his chance to fix the problem that was bugging him with the main character, and to rework the ending of chapter two. But it's highly unlikely the author will have the psychic energy to restart from a blank screen. Steve didn't believe he could build a new machine from a new processor again and left Be, for a while, to go work at Zenith Data Systems and Silicon Graphics. He rejoined us in 1996. When Steve left, Erich took the reins. We hired Joe Palmer, who built the BeBox on the basis of a design started by Glenn Adler, now at Phillips in Holland. In the Fall of 1995, we made our debut at Agenda. Dave Marquardt, who was to become our lead investor, was in the room when the BeBox demonstrated by Steve Horowitz got a standing ovation. As a result, we finally got support from premier Silicon Valley venture firms. The rest is pretty much in the public record. As you can see, when I wrote earlier Erich played "a key role in the development of our company and our product," I wasn't embellishing the facts. For this, and for many other more personal aspects of our relationship, including his encyclopedic interests and nanosecond wit, I am in Erich's debt, as is our entire company. We all wish him the best in the next phase of a fulfilling professional life and hope he'll see fit to give us the benefit of his insights from time to time. And let's also wish success to our VP of Engineering, Steve Sakoman, who helped cement our collaboration with Intel and who will lead us into honoring the opportunity before us.
BeDevTalk SummaryBeDevTalk is a discussion group that's a forum for the exchange of technical information, suggestions, questions, mythology, and suspicions. In this column, we summarize some of the active threads, listed by their subject lines as they appear, verbatim, in the group. To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on our Web site: http://www.be.com/aboutbe/mailinglists.html
Subject: serious development tools discussion Subject: GNU tools and much more Fred Fish would like Be to come up with a better development tool solution. He would like to see (at least) the following improvements:
Mr. Fish goes on to nominate GNU as a reasonable solution. Eric Berdahl thinks Mr. Fish is not out of water, but..., "These suggestions, while not out of line with Be's interests, do not directly contribute to their business... Although it's far from optimal for us developers, multiple executable formats and tool sets don't prevent us from developing BeOS applications -- it just makes it a little bit harder." And from Jon Watte: "There is no such [binary/archive] format for which tools are readily available, else it would probably have been done a long time ago... The biggest problem with switching formats is not the switching itself, it's finding compilers, linkers and debuggers that work with the new format on BeOS." There was some debate over the merits of the GNU formats and tools: Is GNU/GCC/GDB a reasonable candidate for a universal solution. Hamish Alan Carr turned the topic on its head: Rather than a single universal solution, why not go for a universal accommodation: "...the ideal solution would be one in which the primary tool gave equal support to the Unix way, the Mac way, and, yes, the Win95 way... I think that what this means in practice is: Ability to run *multiple* executable formats - let the market decide which is the best." The thread then turned to technical issues: How similar to COFF is PE? Is PEF the same as ELF? What changes would be needed at the kernel level to support new (or multiple) formats?
Subject: converting resources from PR2 to Release 3 The Release Notes for Release 3 mentioned resource conversion tools called "rescvt_intel" and "rescvt_PPC". They don't seem to be on the CD. What happened? THE BE LINE: The resource conversion tools accidentally fell off the CD. You should be able to get them from the web site; see Stephen Beaulieu's article in this Newsletter for details.
Subject: More mouse event discussion, but first... A CORRECTION: When last we met, the summary irresponsibly agreed with a statement that a B_MOUSE_MOVED event is sent only once for every four pixels of movement. There *is* a (private) heuristic that throws out "excessive" mouse messages, but it *isn't* based on a hard pixel count. The truth is this: You are guaranteed to get at least one mouse moved event for every "burst" of mouse movement, regardless of how far the mouse travelled; furthermore, you're guaranteed to get an event message for the mouse's "at rest" location after a burst. If the mouse moves slowly enough, you'll get a message for every pixel the mouse touches. We apologize for the confusion. Other questions:
In the meantime, Yukio Hirose proposed that the OS be able to handle multiple mice. Christian Bauer found a bug in this notion... "...having two mouse pointers would also mean having two active windows and unless you also have two keyboards, you have a problem deciding which window receives keyboard events." ...but then solved the bug with hardware: "On the other hand, if you _have_ two keyboards, two people could work on one computer at the same time without the need for additional terminals and that's something I really wish to have sometimes. If BeOS had support for multiple monitors, this could even be a replacement for the lack of a networked GUI for some applications." Dave Haynie noticed that this sort of set up sounds a lot like a feature of the Amiga OS: "There was a central input.device task that managed a variety of general purpose I/O. In came events, like moving a mouse, pen on a tablet, etc., maybe both at the same time. Out came 'cooked' formal event objects, which could describe any kind of I/O event. All you would need is a facility to manage a couple of this kind of event stream, and of course an easy program option to select which event stream or stream the program listens to."
Subject: BEOS:TYPE attribute Some file type attribute questions and observations: Q. Why is the MIME type data constant (B_MIME_STRING_TYPE)
declared in Mime.h and not TypeConstants.h?
Q. How do you set a file's MIME type?
Q. When writing string data as an attribute, should you
write the NULL as part of the data?
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