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Be Developer Classified are an opportunity for Be developers to tell each other about projects they're working on, are thinking about working on, or would like to work on. Here's your chance to request assistance on a project, or make your talents known to other projects. For more information, check out the Classified Ads section in the Registered Be Developer area. Jobs Available: BeOS Software Company Growing! RO DESIGN is currently looking for people to join our team, making lots of creative tools for the BeOS. We have several exciting positions open, including administrative, hardware design engineers, software design engineers, and graphic design. Visit our web site for details: http://www.rodesign.com/
BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: Mining The Net... (Part 1 of N) By Benoit Schillings benoit@be.com
A while back, I started playing with the Internet in a new way. Instead of plodding along as usual in a browser, I wanted to bring all that data and functionality into my own programs. To do that, I started working on a set of objects that would let me mine the Web selectively, for my own purposes. There's a lot to steal from the net. It's pretty easy, for instance, to write a piece of code that can find someone's phone number or display a map of a location. The Internet begins to look different -- like the ultimate software candy store -- when you start thinking of it as a giant subroutine to *your* program. This week we'll start with some basic stuff -- how to extract data from the Net. This was what I did first when I began working on the project. My idea was to get a program to display the latest satellite picture of California on my desktop. In the next issue, we'll look at some more elaborate things you can make the Internet do for you, like controlling Alta Vista or HotBot from your application, or finding someone's e-mail address or phone number. For now, let's start with a basic building block, which I
call a #include <Be.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <netdb.h> enum NetResult { NET_NO_ERROR = 0, NET_ERROR = -1, NET_NO_SOCKETS = -2, NET_UNKNOWN_HOST = -3, NET_CANT_CONNECT = -4, NET_CANT_SEND = -5, NET_CANT_RECV = -6, NET_TIMEOUT = -7, NET_IS_CLOSED = -8, NET_ALREADY_CLOSED = -9, NET_DONT_DOWNLOAD = -10, NET_GET_URL = 'nget', HTTP_ERROR = -101 }; #define MAX_BUF 512000 // This should be dynamic, // so do not load anything //bigger than that class site_getter { public: site_getter(); virtual ~site_getter(); virtual int Fetch(char *site_path); char *GetData(long *size); void WaitForData(); virtual int doit0(); private: ulong LookupHost(const char *host); int Connect(char *host); int Request(long msocket, char *usrstring, char *cpath); long FillBuffer(long msocket, char *buffer); long done_sem; char full_path[512]; char done; char *fbuffer; long total; long msocket; }; // Load the data from the site once the connection is open long site_getter::FillBuffer(long msocket, char *buffer) { long size; long i; size = 4096; size = recv(msocket, buffer, size, 0); printf("got %ld\n", size); return size; } site_getter::site_getter() { done_sem = create_sem(0, "site_getter"); fbuffer = 0; done = 0; msocket = -1; } site_getter::~site_getter() { free((char *)fbuffer); delete_sem(done_sem); } // Little jumping board to start the internal thread long init_p(void *p) { site_getter *g; g = (site_getter *)p; g->doit0(); return 0; } // separate the web site from the internal path on the // web site void parse(char *raw, char *site, char *path) { long p; char *copy; again:; p = 0; copy = raw; while(((*raw != '/') || (*(raw + 1) != '/')) && (*raw)) { raw++; } raw += 2; while(*raw != '/' && *raw) { site[p] = *raw; raw++; p++; } site[p] = 0; strcpy(path, raw); if (strlen(path) == 0) { path[0] = '/'; path[1] = 0; } } // This is the main function for the site_getter object. // It will spawn a thread responsible for all its , // functionality; that way the object can access a web site // in the background and let you open multiple connections // at the same time to multiple sites! int site_getter::Fetch(char *site_path) { char *buffer; char *pb; long size; long total = 0; double start, end; char first = 1; long i; char site[256]; char path[256]; done = 0; strcpy(full_path, site_path); resume_thread(spawn_thread(init_p,site_path, B_NORMAL_PRIORITY,this)); return 0; } // find the actual address of a site ulong site_getter::LookupHost(const char *host) { ulong result = 0; hostent* h = gethostbyname(host); if (h && h->h_addr) { result = *(long *)(h->h_addr); } result = ntohl(result); ulong a = result; return result; } // open the connection with the web server int site_getter::Connect(char *host) { sockaddr_in addr; ulong result; int s; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(80); result = LookupHost(host); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(result); if (result == 0) { printf("cannot resolve %s\n", host); return -1; } s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if (s < 0) { return NET_NO_SOCKETS; // Can't get a socket } if (connect(s,(sockaddr *)&addr,sizeof(sockaddr_in)) < 0) { closesocket(s); return NET_CANT_CONNECT; // Can't connect! Geez! } return s; } // send the HTTP request // We will pretend we are a web browser ! int site_getter::Request(long msocket, char *usrstring, char *cpath) { static char *HTTPVERS = " HTTP/1.0\r\n"; static char *USER_AGENT = "User-Agent: Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; NetPositive; BeOS)\r\n"; static char *ACCCEPT = "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*\r\n"; static char *HOST = "Host: "; char req[2048]; char path[2048]; strcpy(path, cpath); // GET or POST a request req[0] = 0; strcat(req, "GET "); strcat(req, path); strcat(req, HTTPVERS); strcat(req, USER_AGENT); strcat(req, ACCCEPT); strcat(req, HOST); strcat(req, usrstring); strcat(req, "\r\n\r\n"); printf("str = %s\n", req); long result = NET_NO_ERROR; result = send(msocket, req, strlen(req), 0); if (result < 0) { result = NET_CANT_SEND; } return result; } char *site_getter::GetData(long *size) { *size = total; return fbuffer; } int site_getter::doit0() { char *pb; long size; char first = 1; long i; char site[256]; char path[256]; total = 0; parse(full_path, site, path); if (fbuffer == 0) { fbuffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_BUF); } again:; if (msocket < 0) { msocket = Connect(site); if (msocket<0) { closesocket(msocket); release_sem(done_sem); done = 1; return -1; } } pb = fbuffer; Request(msocket, site, path); // Not really certain about what follows, but it seems to help ! do { size = FillBuffer(msocket, pb); if (size == 0) { snooze(32000); } if (size == -1) { goto out; } total += size; if (total > (MAX_BUF-4096)) { break; } pb += size; } while((total == 0) || (size != 0)); out:; size = FillBuffer(msocket, pb); closesocket(msocket); msocket = -1; release_sem(done_sem); done = 1; return 0; } void site_getter::WaitForData() { acquire_sem(done_sem); release_sem(done_sem); } // To use this object, you just get it running on a // given site: For instance void main() { site_getter *a_getter; char *data; long data_size; a_getter = new site_getter(); a_getter->Fetch( "http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/wrhq/CURRENT/VIS1MTR.GIF"); a_getter->WaitForData(); data = a_getter->GetData(&data_size); printf("got %ld bytes !\n", data_size); delete a_getter; } Well, now that we have a basic object that can fetch data from the Net, we'll be able to start looking at that data. See you next week! DEVELOPERS' WORKSHOP: Modal Muddle By Owen Smithorpheus@be.com "Developers' Workshop" is a weekly feature that provides
answers to our developers' questions, or topic requests.
To submit a question, visit
In my last Newsletter article I created an application,
Doodle, which illustrated differences between the Be way of
doing things and the Windows way. A few days after the
article appeared, I was approached by a Ms. Morgan le Be,
BeOS hacker and mistress of the black arts.
"I'm a little disappointed with the way you handled modal
dialogs," she said. This was a typical Morgan response.
"Ah, but I used the same kind of scheme MFC applications
use, and same approach BAlert does, so it should work
fine!", I retorted.
"Just take a look at your fiendish creation," replied the
smug Ms. M. She pointed at the Pen Widths dialog. "Try
dragging that dialog over your document window." To my
dismay, the document window didn't redraw correctly! The
document view was blank, and the menu and scroll bars showed
Obviously something was wrong. I asked Morgan what she'd
suggest. "Make the dumb thing asynchronous, silly. Instead
of waiting for the dialog to finish, just pack its data into
a But that would defeat my goal of showing how to do modal
dialogs on BeOS. Clearly, my first attempt was not going to
satisfy our discerning audience of geeks. So, what follows
is a grossly magnified look at that marvel of interface
design: modal dialogs. The code for a slightly revised
Doodle is at:
This time I've added a
User Behavior vs. Code Structure
Before I begin, some clarification. There are two more or
less orthogonal issues lumped together in the Windows
conception of modal and modeless dialogs.
The first issue is how the user interacts with the dialog. A
dialog is modal when it prevents the user from performing
certain activities while it's being used. A modeless dialog
imposes no restrictions on the user's activities. There's a
continuum of possibilities here. By far the most common ones
are, for modal, a dialog that prevents the user from working
within any other application windows while the dialog is
running; and for modeless, a dialog that allows the user to
interact with all the application windows while the dialog
is running.
The other issue is how the dialog is actually coded. There
are two possibilities: synchronous or asynchronous
invocation. In a synchronous situation, one or more of your
main threads blocks until the dialog is finished, at which
point it picks up where it left off. There are varying
degrees of synchronicity you can implement, depending on how
many threads in your application you've blocked. In
asynchronous behavior, one of your main threads invokes the
dialog (by spawning a dialog thread, for instance), and then
goes on its merry way. Later, the dialog informs you when
it's finished, and you pick up where you left off when you
invoked the dialog.
In the MFC library, you don't really have a choice of which
code structure to use -- modal dialogs are always invoked
synchronously, and modeless dialogs are always invoked
asynchronously. In the BeOS, however, these issues are
separate. Modal/modeless behavior is implemented by creating
a window with or without a modal "feel," but you have a
choice of whether you want to block your thread (or threads)
waiting for the dialog to finish (synchronous), or whether
you want your thread to continue processing while the modal
dialog is running, and get the data in some other way
So, there are two questions to address when coding dialogs
on the BeOS:
* Should your dialog be modal or modeless?
* Should you use synchronous or asynchronous design when
creating your dialog?
Defending Modality
First, let's address the question of modal vs. modeless
dialogs. Some UI zealots crusade against modal dialogs in
applications because they limit the user's options. At the
risk of igniting a UI jihad, I believe that modals are
useful when it's desirable to limit the user's options. For
instance, it might be useful to keep your user from closing
a window and clobbering a document's data while you're
waiting for the user to save the document.
Modal dialogs can also help simplify interactions between
windows in your application. If the dialog's data depends on
the active window, it can be difficult tracking the dialog's
data in a modeless situation, where different windows may be
activated -- especially with Focus Follows Mouse turned on.
At the same time, it's good to make dialogs that are as
unintrusive as possible. The BeOS gives you quite a bit of
control over just how 'modal' you want a window to be
(whether it blocks a specific set of windows in an
application, all windows in an application, or -- shame on
you! -- the entire system).
For further debate on this fascinating topic, please consult
your local UI religious fanatic. Meanwhile, let's assume
that you've decided to use modal dialogs and consider how to
design them: synchronously or asynchronously?
Why are modal dialogs so popular in Windows? In a word,
simplicity. Here's what you have to do to implement a modal,
synchronous dialog:
The nice thing about this approach is that all the
synchronous dialog behavior is contained in one function
call, and you get direct access to the dialog's data after
it's done. It would be nice if we could apply that
simplicity to modal dialogs on the BeOS as well.
The Fine Art of Doing Nothing
The drawback to implementing synchronous dialogs is that
you're blocking the calling thread. "But where's the problem
there? When I'm running the modal dialog, my application
doesn't do anything!" However, that's not the case. Even if
your background windows don't respond to user events, they
may still need to respond to
What happens if you block all of the threads in your entire
application, ignoring all these events? You get the Ultimate
Modal Dialog: background tasks in your application stop,
your windows aren't redrawn correctly, and your message
queue backs up. This will earn you howls of derision from
the modern computer sophisticate -- especially BeOS
aficionados, who are used to having things happen Right Now,
Where I Want It, and Not a Care About Anything Else in the
Synchronicity Among Threads
"I seem to remember that Windows applications only have one
thread by default. Why, then, doesn't your application grind
to a halt when you run a modal dialog in Windows?" When you
run a modal dialog in MFC, your thread doesn't actually
block. Instead, it enters a special message processing loop
( The good news is, you don't have to jump through that hoop
to get synchronous dialogs implemented in the BeOS. Because
each window runs in its own thread, they can process
messages independently of each other. On the other hand,
since you're in a multithreaded situation, there are
synchronization issues to consider.
In order to keep your app responsive while your modal dialog
is running, here are three cases to consider when running a
synchronous dialog in the BeOS:
Note that if the calling thread is a
Wherefore Doodle?
Of the cases described above, Doodle falls into category 3.
Recall that in Doodle, there is the application thread, a
thread for each window, and a thread for each open document.
Also, recall that in the previous implementation of Doodle,
access to the document's data was protected using the
looper's lock.
Let's take the simplified case where there's one application
thread, one open window, and one open document. When Pen>Pen
Widths is invoked synchronously, the document thread is the
one that blocks. However, when it blocks, the window ceases
to update correctly. Why?
There are two kinds of window events, occurring while the
modal dialog is running, that depend on access to the
document's data: (a) But Pen>Pen Widths gets called from the document's
MessageReceived, and the looper is automatically locked
while handling messages. Thus, the document is locked for
the entire duration of the synchronous dialog, so the
windows block waiting for access to the document. The
result? Window garbage.
To the Locksmith
The way around this problem in Doodle is to change the way
the locking mechanisms work. First, let me show you how NOT
to solve the problem. "Simple," I said at first. "I'll just
unlock the document looper, run the dialog synchronously,
and then relock the document looper afterwards. Nobody
outside will know the difference, and once I've unlocked,
the windows are free to play with the document."
I asked Morgan le Be what she thought of this clever plan.
"Nope," said Morgan. "What if the looper was locked multiple
times before In coming up with a better locking mechanism, I realized
that: (a) the windows only need to *read* the data to draw
it, and (b) the looper locking mechanism doesn't have to be
associated with the document's data at all. I can solve this
problem by introducing a new, separate lock for the
document's data. For maximum flexibility, I'll implement the
data lock by using a multiple reader/single writer lock,
provided by Stephen in a recent Newsletter article:
Even though the looper is locked, the document's data can be
read, and the windows can continue with their merry
Asynchronous Dialogs
As I mentioned before, an asynchronous dialog lets your
thread continue to function while the thread is blocked,
which means that you don't have to worry so much about other
threads waiting for you. However, getting data out of
asynchronous dialogs is akin to normal asynchronous window
communication, and is usually a bit more complicated than
synchronous dialogs. What do you have to do when you create
a asynchronous dialog?
For asynchronous dialogs, you create the dialog in a
different place from where you handle it, and getting the
data from the dialog requires a bit more thought. On the
BeOS you can use
Here are some parting guidelines to help you decide between
synchronous and asynchronous dialogs:
The "it" in the title is the BeOS -- that's easy. The matter
of "doneness" is more complicated, because it can be seen
>from at least two perspectives, which I'll explore here.
From experience we know that an operating system is an
evolving entity. Looking at Windows, Unix, RSTS, VMS, or the
Mac OS, we realize these creations live much longer than
their makers ever intended or dreamed they would. Unix is a
spectacular case of OS longevity. Designed as a single-user
version of Multics -- hence the name Unix --it has prospered
and proliferated on servers and workstations as Solaris,
AIX, A/UX, SCO Unix, AT&T Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, and Irix, to
name a few.
"Invented in the late 1960s for a small computer with a
64K-byte address space," to quote Corey Satten, of the
University of Washington, in his "Brief Introduction to
Unix," this operating system shows that 30 years or so after
its birth, few people think it's "done." In fact, as the
enthusiasm for Linux shows, it looks as if predictions of
Unix's demise at the hands of Windows NT were premature. In
release after release, the many flavors of Unix keep adding
features and hardware coverage. Each hardware platform, from
Intel to Alpha and from PowerPC to MIPS, has several
versions of Unix available. At its present distance from its
Multics roots, Unix could now stand for Universal. So
universal, in fact, that the BeOS includes a Posix "layer,"
a program interface that allows us to benefit from many Unix
programs and utilities.
Another family of systems -- younger than Unix -- also
demonstrates the evolving capability of system software: DOS
and Windows. I haven't tried lately, but I bet most original
DOS programs still run nicely on Windows 98 or Windows NT.
NT isn't exactly an evolutionary relative of DOS (itself the
son of CP/M) but 17 years after the birth of the IBM PC,
Windows 98 is a true descendant of DOS.
In a similar evolutionary sense, we hope the much younger
BeOS is far from "done." In fact, we plan to demonstrate
with our upcoming Release 4 that we inhabit a part of the
growth curve where returns on hardware still increase. That
is, with BeOS Release 4, on the same hardware, speed and
function both increase. More mature systems inhabit another
part of the curve where, in general, on the same hardware,
the price of additional features in a new release is a
decrease in performance.
The word "done" has an additional meaning in our context.
I'll use Windows again for comparison. In the summer of
1983, Bernard Vergnes gave me my first demo of Windows on a
CGA screen, with tiled Windows. This was shortly after the
difficult launch of the Lisa, and the even less auspicious
kick off of VisiOn. Windows was by no means "done." It took
a few more years -- probably until Windows 3.0 in 1990, if
memory serves.
Others will argue that Windows reached the "done" stage with
3.11, with Windows for Workgroups and the inclusion of
reasonable networking features. I could take Macintosh
examples as well, but as I've been involved with some stages
of its development, including HFS (a good thing) and the
System 6.0 MultiFinder (not so good), I probably lack the
necessary distance.
Now, for the dangerous question. Using the frame of
reference just described, where are we? Are we at the summer
of '83 stage or the Windows 3.0 stage, where most people
could use and enjoy Windows? In some ways, we'll reach
further than Windows 3.0. Again, I'm not comparing features
but relative development stages; in other respects we'll
still exist at an earlier stage.
By "further" I mean the BeOS will be in many respects more
robust than Windows was at that stage -- as a legacy-free OS
must be. And by "earlier stage," I refer to the other side
of legacy-free: Windows ran legacy applications; we, on the
other hand, must continue to work with developers and
generate a growing number of BeOS-specific applications that
make full use of the platform.
I'm excited by the work the engineers have done for our next
release, and by the plans for subsequent releases. This is
the best project I've ever been a part of. Of course, in
view of my rather close participation, one could say that my
statement lacks objectivity. Perhaps it does, but I've
always been accused of one kind of parental feeling or other
for the projects I've been involved with, so I'll take the
liberty of believing in the relative part of the feeling. In
any case, developers and customers are the ones who will
judge whether I'm right or not.
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