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Be Developer Classifieds are an opportunity for Be developers to tell each other about projects they're working on, are thinking about working on, or would like to work on. Here's your chance to announce a product, request assistance on a project, or make your talents known to other projects. For more information, check out the Classified Ads section in the Registered Be Developer area. Product Announcement: e-Picture 1.0 BeatWare is proud to announce the release of e-Picture 1.0. Designed specifically for the BeOS, e-Picture is the only software to fully integrate graphic design and animation, giving you new freedom to create original artwork, apply effects and filters, build and preview animations and export your work to the web, all within one application and all from the BeOS! You can buy e-Picture today from BeDepot at <http://www.bedepot.com/Products/Beatware/e-Picture.asp> for a special introductory price of $149. Hurry, special introductory pricing ends July 15, 1999. BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: AreaWatch, or Smaller Is Always Better... By Pierre Raynaud pierre@be.com
If you look at the BeOS R4 datasheet <http://www-classic.be.com/products/beos/beos_datasheet.html> you'll find many bold keywords that describe the best features of our modern OS -- virtual memory being one of them. On one hand, virtual memory is certainly a great feature, as it makes involuntary cross-application memory corruption impossible, and lets you virtually increase the amount of usable memory by putting extra data on a hard drive, in what's called a "swap file". From my point of view, though, this great feature has one big drawback: it makes a typical careless developer think that the memory available is almost limitless.... Why should he care about optimizing memory usage, since modern computers ship with more and more memory, and there will always be still more virtual memory available on a multi-gigabyte hard drive? So, Why? By not caring about memory usage, a developer buys his application a one-way, first class ticket to performance hell. First, virtual memory may be huge, but it's certainly not fast. At one end, regular RAM supports bandwidth up to x100MB/s and responds to a random request in a fraction of microsecond. At the other end, an average hard drive won't even reach 10MB/s, and worse yet, it will need many milliseconds to reply to a random request. In practice, once you start "swapping" actively, it's common to see average performance become 10 or even 100 times slower. For a short operation, the performance impact can even reach ratios as high as 1,000 or 10,000 times slower. You don't want that to happen to your application, do you? But even if you don't reach such extreme -- sadly not so uncommon -- slow-downs, using more memory is still a bad idea. Modern processors have become so fast during the last 10 years that RAM technology hasn't been able to keep up the pace. That's why all modern processors don't access the main memory directly, but go through multiple levels of memory caches. The L1 (or level 1 cache) is the closest to the processor, and also the fastest, but because it's extremely expensive, it's usually rather small (typically 32K or 64K). Beyond that, most processors have an L2 (level 2 cache), slower than the L1 but faster than the main memory. L2 is still expensive, but not as much as L1; its typical size is around 256K - 1MB. In real life, both of those caches are far to small to contain all the data commonly used by a program, so your machine will spend a big chunk of its time exchanging data between L1, L2, and main memory. And this is often where your application's performance bottleneck will be. So if you want some simple advice, try to keep the memory footprint of your application as small as possible. Here are a few very simple things you can do to achieve that:
Beyond that, there a few less simple things you should think about:
There's much more to be said about reducing memory usage, but this is only a newsletter article, not a book, so I'll add just one more thing. On a modern operating system, memory is always accessed through the CPU's MMU, which gives us an easy way to know exactly what memory is used (physical or virtual). In the case of the BeOS, you access that information through the "area" API (check: <http://www-classic.be.com/documentation/be_book/The%20Kernel%20Kit/ Areas.html> for more details). The "listarea" shell command is the standard way to dump the current state of the memory mapping. It's full of interesting information, but it's a little difficult to use. So to make it easier for you to track the dynamic memory allocation behavior of your program, I wrote a little application, named "AreaWatch", which displays the same information in a more accessible way. You'll find it (with the source code and a detailed ReadMe) at <ftp://ftp.be.com/pub/contrib/develop/AreaWatch.zip>. It contains quite a bit of small nifty tricks, so don't hesitate to look at the ReadMe in details. I hope AreaWatch and my comments and advice will help you to track memory leaks (always so annoying) and keep your application smaller (if not faster). And just remember -- "smaller is always better..." DEVELOPERS' WORKSHOP: Media's Little Helpers By Owen Smith orpheus@be.com "Developers' Workshop" is a weekly feature that provides
answers to our developers' questions, or topic requests.
To submit a question, visit
In the rush of working on Media Kit sample code, I thought
I'd pause for a moment and zoom in on a few simple classes
that I've created for my media applications. You might find
them useful when writing your own applications as well.
These classes are MediaNodeWrapper, Connection, and
MediaNodeWrapper: Roster Meets Node
The MediaNodeWrapper class is a class I'm using more and
more to work with media nodes. Its function is to wrap
around a media_node structure, and provides a simplified set
of methods for issuing commands to the node. These commands
end up calling Media Roster functions to work on the
media_node. To make them easy to remember, there is a tight
correspondence between BMediaRoster methods and
MediaNodeWrapper methods.
One feature that I added to MediaNodeWrapper was the ability
to "lock" certain nodes, such as the system mixer, that you
as an application shouldn't be messing with. Issuing
commands to these nodes has no effect. So, when I want to
tell a node to start, I don't have to think about whether
this was a system node or one of my own -- I simply lock the
node wrapper when I first create it, and then treat it like
any other node. This makes it a snap, for example, to start
up a miscellaneous group of nodes.
Connection: Plug 'n' Chug
The facilities for connecting nodes in the Media Kit are
quite rich, and allow you to do some pretty fancy stuff.
However, in working with nodes, I noticed that I tended to
follow one simple pattern when connecting nodes:
The Connection class implements this connection pattern. You
use Connection::Make to attempt the connection. If the
connection is successful, you get a pointer to a Connection
object back. This connection object combines the information
you get from the media_input and media_output structures
into one cohesive structure. Finally, when you're done with
the connection, you simply delete the Connection object.
Here's an example of MediaNodeWrapper and Connection in
action. Let's say we had a node that we created, and we
wanted to hook it up to the system mixer and start it.
First, to connect and start two generic nodes, we'd do
something like this:
Then, we use this to connect our node to the system mixer:
NodeLoopManager: Repeating Ourselves
Up until now, the methods I've presented for looping play
(i.e. automatically starting over when you reach the end of
a file) have not been satisfactory for most applications. I
implemented this by writing my own file reader node and
altering its behavior to do this automatically. However,
for people who are using external nodes (e.g. the system
extractor node that you'll likely get if you sniff a media
file), this approach won't work. We need a way to get any
node to rewind to the beginning of a piece of media when it
reaches the end, and to keep doing this until we've stopped
the node.
One approach to this problem might be to simply queue up a
long list of Seeks to media time 0 at regular intervals. The
idea here is that, every time the node reaches the end of
the file, it will process a Seek command and start over.
However, there might be nodes out there which can only queue
>one pending Seek at a time (remember, this is all that a
node is guaranteed to give you). So, a better approach is to
send one Seek operation at a time, and wait until that Seek
has been completed before queueing up another one.
There are two questions that remain to be answered:
The failsafe way to do this is to have the node inform us
when it's reached a certain performance time. In R4.5, we
allow you to do just this: with BMediaRoster::SyncToNode.
This method will simply block until the node has reached
the desired performance time.
Some of you node writers may be wondering how this works.
Well, when the application calls SyncToNode, the new method
BMediaNode::AddTimer gets called on the node side, with the
target performance time and a cookie that the node must
remember. When the performance time is reached, the node
calls BMediaNode::TimerExpired with the cookie. TimerExpired
then sends a notification back to the roster. (If your node
derives from BMediaEventLooper, relax: we take care of all
of this for you.)
NodeLoopManager is a class that manages looping play on the
application side of the fence. You create it and tell it the
starting media time and loop duration. Then when you call
NodeLoopManager::Start, it sends Seek commands periodically
to the node, each time waiting until the previous Seek is
handled before sending the next one. NodeLoopManager
spawns a thread to do the waiting and looping, so that it
doesn't interfere with your application's operation. When
you want to stop the node, use NodeLoopManager::Stop so that
the node stops looping as well.
You can see all three of these classes in action by perusing
the new-and-improved Mix-A-Lot:
Jean-Louis is traveling with a crew disguised as an aging
rock band, complete with A/V equipment cases as props, so
he did not write an article this week.
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