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The Node Monitor is a mechanism that lets you watch for changes to a particular file or directory (or "node"). You ask the Node Monitor to start or stop watching a given node by calling the watch_node() function; you can stop all monitoring through the stop_watching() function.
When you call watch_node(), you tell the Node Monitor which aspects of the node you want to track—changes to its name, to its size, its attributes, and so on. Each of these "trackable" elements corresponds to a particular type of message (identified by the message's "opcode" field) that's sent back to your application when that element actually changes (when the file is renamed, changes size, gains an attribute, and so on).
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_ENTRY_CREATED indicates that a new entry was created. |
"name" | B_STRING_TYPE | The name of the new entry. |
"directory" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t (node) number for the directory in which the entry was created. |
"device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the device on which the new entry resides. |
"node" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t number of the new entry itself. (More accurately, it identifies the node that corresponds to the entry.) |
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_ENTRY_REMOVED indicates that an entry was removed. |
"directory" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t (node) number of the directory from which the entry was removed. |
"device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the device that the removed node used to live on. |
"node" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t number of the node that was removed. |
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_ENTRY_MOVED indicates that an existing entry moved from one directory to another. |
"name" | B_STRING_TYPE | The name of the entry that moved. |
"from directory" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t (node) number of the directory from that the node was removed from. |
"to directory" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t (node) number of the directory that the node was added to. |
"device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the device that the moved node entry lives on. (You can't move a file between devices, so this value will be apply to the file's old and new locations.) |
"node" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t number of the node that was removed. |
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_STAT_CHANGED indicates that some statistic of a node (as recorded in its stat structure) changed. |
"node" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t number of the node. |
"device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the node's device. |
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_ATTR_CHANGED indicates that some attribute of a node changed. |
"node" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t number of the node. |
"device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the node's device. |
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_DEVICE_MOUNTED indicates that a new device (or file system volume) has been mounted. |
"new device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the newly-mounted device. |
"device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the device that holds the directory of the new device's mount point. |
"directory" | B_INT64_TYPE | The ino_t (node) number of the directory that acts as the new device's mount point. |
Field | Type code | Description |
"opcode" | B_INT32_TYPE | B_DEVICE_UNMOUNTED indicates that a device has been unmounted. |
"new device" | B_INT32_TYPE | The dev_t number of the unmounted device. |
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