BMediaRoster Summary

Function Summary

Function Description
AudioBufferSizeFor() Determines the preferred audio buffer size for the described audio format
Connect() Establishes a connection between a media source and a media destination
Constructor and Destructor
CurrentRoster() Returns the default BMediaRoster instance
Detecting When Playback Is Complete
Disconnect() Terminates the specified connection
Function Summary
GetAllInputsFor() Obtains a list of all of a node's inputs
GetAllOutputsFor() Obtains a list of all a node's outputs
GetAudioInput() Returns the default node for audio or video input
GetAudioOutput() Returns the default node for audio or video output, or for auxio mixing
GetConnectedInputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's inputs that are connected to an output
GetConnectedOutputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's outputs that are connected to an input
GetDormantFlavorInfoFor() Returns flavor information for a dormant node
GetDormantNodes() Obtains a list of dormant nodes (nodes that live in add-ons)
GetFileFormatsFor() Returns a list of file formats supported by a file interface node
GetFormatFor() Returns a media_format indicating the format for the given media_input, media_output, or media_node
GetFreeInputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's inputs that aren't in use
GetFreeOutputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's outputs that aren't in use
GetInitialLatencyFor() Returns the amount of time required to start the specified node
GetInstancesFor() Returns a list of media_node_ids for all nodes derived from a given add-on and flavor
GetLatencyFor() Returns the maximum latency downstream from a producer
GetLiveNodes() Obtains a list of all active nodes
GetNodeAttributesFor() Returns the specified node's attributes
GetNodeFor() Returns a media_node for a node given by a node ID
GetParameterWebFor() Returns a BParameterWeb for a controllable node
GetReadFileFormatListFor() Returns a list of file formats that can be read by the specified dormant node
GetRealtimeFlags() Returns the real time flags
GetRefFor() Returns the file that a node is working with
GetStartLatencyFor() Returns the amount of time it takes to start the specified node
GetSystemTimeSource() Returns a clone of the system time source
GetTimeSource() Returns the preferred master clock for synchronization of nodes
GetWriteFileFormatListFor() Returns a list of file formats that can be written by the specified dormant node
InstantiateDormantNode() Instantiates a node that lives in an add-on
MakeTimeSourceFor() Returns a BTimeSource for the specified time source media_node
MediaFlags() Returns information about Media Kit capabilities
BMediaRoster() Constructor
~BMediaRoster Destructor
Member Functions
NodeIDFor() Returns the node ID that matches the specified port
Playing Media from Disk
PrerollNode() Asks that the specified node prepare to be started
RegisterNode() Registers a node with the Media Server
ReleaseNode() Releases a node you've been using
RollNode() Atomically queues a start and a stop request for a node in one call
Roster() Returns the default BMediaRoster instance, creating it if it doesn't exist
SeekNode() Requests that a node change its playing or recording location
SeekTimeSource() Requests that a time source shift in performance time
SetAudioInput() Sets the default node for audio or video input
SetAudioOutput() Sets the default node for audio or video output
SetProducerRate() Tells a producer to resample its data rate by a specified factor
SetProducerRunModeDelay() Sets a producer's run mode and sets up a delay to be added to each buffer being sent
SetRealtimeFlags() Sets the real time flags
SetRefFor() Sets the file with which a node will work
SetRunModeNode() Specifies how a node should deal with falling behind while doing real-time processing
SetTimeSourceFor() Slaves a node to a specified time source
SniffRef() Ask all matching nodes to identify a file
SniffRefFor() Ask a specific node to identify a file
StartControlPanel() Starts a node's custom control panel
StartNode() Requests that a node start streaming data
StartTimeSource() Requests that a time source start
StartWatching() Enables notifications when certain Media Server events occur
StopNode() Requests that a node stop streaming data
StopTimeSource() Requests that a time source stop
StopWatching() Cancels notifications of Media Server events
SyncToNode() Asks the specified node to notify you when the indicated performance time arrives
UnregisterNode() Unregisters a node with the Media Server
Using BMediaRoster Functions from Nodes

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