BBufferConsumer Class Summary

Method Summary

Method Description
AcceptFormat() Hook: lets you determine whether or not a suggested output format is reasonable
BBufferConsumer() Constructor
BufferReceived() Hook: called when a buffer arrives
Connected() Hook: called when a connection is being established
ConsumerType() Returns the media type the BBufferConsumer consumes
Disconnected() Hook: called when a connection is being terminated
DisposeInputCookie() Hook: dispose of the cookie used for iterating over inputs
FormatChanged() Hook: called when the media format changes
GetLatencyFor() Hook: return the total latency for the specified destination
GetNextInput() Hook: returns the next input iteratively
HandleMessage() Dispatches a BBufferConsumer message
NotifyLateProducer() Notify the specified producer that it's running late, and by how much
ProducerDataStatus() Hook: provides information about availability changes from a given producer
RegionToClipData() Given a BRegion, returns clipping information suitable for use with BBufferConsumer clipping functions
SetOutputEnabled() Specify whether or not a given media_source should be outputting buffers
SetVideoClippingFor() Request that the specified output clip to a given region

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Last modified December 22, 1998.