Bug Fixes
Field | Type | Meaning |
"be:type" | B_STRING_TYPE | The MIME type that changed. |
"be:which" | B_INT32_TYPE | The type of change (new icon, new preferred app, new description -- see the table below). |
"be:extra_type" | B_STRING_TYPE | This and the next field report changes to the icons of a supported type. This field is the supported type itself... |
"be:large_icon" | B_BOOL_TYPE | ...and this is true if the large icon changed, and false if the little icon changed. |
Here are the "be:which" candidates
Value | Meaning |
B_ICON_CHANGED | One of the icons for the type (given by "be:type") changed. |
B_PREFERRED_APP_CHANGED | The preferred app for the type changed. |
B_ATTR_INFO_CHANGED | An "extra attribute" for the type changed. |
B_FILE_EXTENSIONS_CHANGED | The list of file extensions that are mapped to this type changed. |
B_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED | The type's short description changed. |
B_LONG_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED | The type's long description changed. |
B_ICON_FOR_TYPE_CHANGED | One of the icons for the type given in "be:extra_type" changed. |
B_APP_HINT_CHANGED | The "app hint" for this type changed.  This only applies to type that are application signatures: The app hint is an entry_ref that points to a specific executable that should be used when an app with this signature is launched. |
Note that there are some lacunae here: For example, you're not told when a whole new type is created.  But it's a start.
The BResources class hasn't changed, but your attitude towards it should.  You can use a BResources object to read an application's resources (icons, signature, etc.), but you shouldn't use it to write the resources.  To set an application's resources, you should use the FileTypes application or the xres tool.
As before, you can use the BResources API to create a private database file, although you're encouraged to use attributes rather than resources for this pursuit.
The new BResourceStrings class is a convenient interface to the strings that are stored in a resource file.  Each string is represented as a BString object.