This section describes the messages that your Input Server objects are expected to create and send, and that they're expected to respond to.
Declared in: be/app/AppDefs.h
This section lists the event messages that a BInputServerDevice is expected to create and send through its EnqueueMessage() function. The primary documentation for these messages is in the System Messages appendix (click on an item in the lists below to be taken to a specific definition).
B_MOUSE_MOVEDNote that a pointing device isn't expected to send the B_MOUSE_ENTER_EXIT message.
Declared in: be/add-ons/input_server/InputServerDevice.h
This section lists the control messages that are defined by the BeOS for pointing and keyboard devices. These are messages that appear in the BInputServerDevice::Control() function. Each control message is identified by the value that appears as the command argument in the Control() function. None of the Be-defined control messages use the additional BMessage argument.
Control messages are used to notify input devices of downstream requests. For example, when the user changes the mouse speed, a B_MOUSE_SPEED_CHANGED command is sent back upstream. It's expected that an input device that receives this message will tune subsequent event messages that it generates to match the requested mouse speed.
The messages listed below are defined by the BeOS; you can send custom control messages back upstream through the BInput::Control() function. Of course, this is only effective if you install a custom input device that can handle the messages.
Note that the Be-defined control messages ask a device to set parameters (such as mouse speed), but they never ask a device for the value of a parameter. For example, a pointing device is never asked what the mouse speed is. This is because the Input Server maintains the state of the keyboard and pointing device environments and can answer these requests itself.
Furthermore, the Be-defined control messages don't contain the value of the parameter that's being set. For example, the B_MOUSE_SPEED_CHANGED message doesn't contain the requested mouse speed. The input device must ask the Input Server for the new value through a global function (get_mouse_speed(), in this case). The functions that correspond to the messages are listed in the descriptions below.
Requests that the receiver change the mouse double-click speed to the value retrieved through get_click_speed().
Requests that the receiver change the mouse map (the correspondence between physical mouse buttons and the B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON, et. al., constants) to the map retrieved through get_mouse_map().
Requests that the receiver change the mouse speed to the value retrieved through get_mouse_speed().
Requests that the receiver change the mouse type (the number of buttons) to the type retrieved through get_mouse_type().
Requests that the receiver change the state of the locked keys (caps lock, num lock, etc.). To get the desired state of the locking keys, read the states out of the key map returned by get_key_map().
Requests that the receiver change the keyboard's key map—the mapping between physical keys and the character codes they generate. The new key map is returned by get_key_map().
Requests that the receiver change the delay before a held key starts generating repeated characters to the value retrieved through get_key_repeat_delay().
Requests that the receiver change the speed at which a held key generates repeated characters to the value retrieved through get_key_repeat_rate().
The watch_input_devices() function lets you ask the Input Server to send you a message when a device starts or stops, or when the set of registered devices changes. These "device monitoring" notifications are sent to the target specified in the function. The command constant is always B_INPUT_DEVICES_CHANGED. The be:opcode field will be one of:
An input device has been added to the system.
An input device has been removed from the system.
An input device has been started.
An input device has been stopped.
Active input methods send input method events (B_INPUT_METHOD_EVENT messages) downstream to application views to help integrate the method's work with the view's display. Inside each B_INPUT_METHOD_EVENT message is a be:opcode field indicating the type of input method event:
Sent whenever the user changes the text during an input transaction.
Sent whenever the input method needs to know the on-screen locations of characters in the input transaction.
Sent when a new input transaction is beginning.
Sent when an input transaction is completed.
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