Derived from: none
Declared in: be/storage/Statable.h
Library: libbe.so
Summary: more...
BStatable is a pure abstract class that provides functionality for its two derived class, BEntry and BNode. The BStatable functions let you get and set "statistical" information about a node in the file system. You can...
- Determine whether the node is a file, directory, or symbolic link.
- Get and set an node's owner, group, and permissions.
- Get and set the node's creation, modification, and access times.
- Get the size of the node's data (not counting attributes).
- Get a BVolume object for the node's volume.
- Get the node_ref of the node (and pass it to watch_node(), most likely).
Technically, BStatable information pertains to nodes, not entries. The fact that BEntry implements the BStatable functions is a (slightly confusing) convenience: When you invoke a BStatable function on a BEntry object, what you're really doing is asking for information about the node that corresponds to the object.
As explained in BEntry, it's possible to create "abstract" BEntry objects; in other words, objects that don't correspond to actual files (nodes) on the disk. You can't get (or set) BStatable information for abstract entries. The BStatable functions return B_BAD_VALUE if the invoked-upon entry is abstract.
The BStatable functions are covers for the POSIX stat() call. stat() retrieves a file-specific stat structure, which records the statistics listed above (and then some). Although BStatable was designed to hide stat details, you can get the stat structure through the GetStat() function. The stat structure is described in "The stat Structure" at the end of this specification.stat() is notorious for being expensive. Furthermore, the stat structure is stale as soon as it gets back from the stat() call. If you're concerned with efficiency, be aware that every BStatable function (the "setters" as well as the "getters") performs a stat(). For example, calling GetOwner() and then GetGroup() results in two stat() calls. If you want to look at lot of fields (within the same stat structure) all at once, you might consider using BStatable's GetStat() function.
As for integrity, BStatable info-getting functions are obviously in the same boat as the stat() call itself: The retrieved data isn't guaranteed to be in sync with the actual state of the stat()'d item.
The BDirectory class also defines a stat-retrieving function that, in some cases, can be more efficient than the GetStat() function defined here:
- The BDirectory::GetStatFor() function retrieves the stat structure for the node of a named entry within a directory. If you're interested in getting stat information for a series of nodes within the same directory, you should use this function. You have to call it iteratively (once for each named entry), but the accumulation of the iterated calls will be faster than the GetStat() calls made on the analogous BEntry objects.
BStatable isn't thwarted by file permissions: If you can construct a valid BEntry or BNode to an item, then you can invoke any of the info-getting BStatable functions on that object:
- The BStatable functions aren't denied even if the node that you're looking at is read-protected. However, you can only invoke the info-setting functions if the node allows writing.
- Similarly, you can get stat info for a locked node, but you won't be able to write the info (through functions such as SetOwner()) unless your object holds the lock. See BNode for more on locking.
You rarely set stat information. In practice, you rarely use BStatable's info-setting functions. Setting information such as when a file was created, who owns it, or how big it is, is the responsibility of the system and the privilege of the user. For example, when you Write() to a BFile object, the system automatically updates the size and modification date for the file.
![]() | GetAccessTime() see GetCreationTime() |
![]() | GetCreationTime() , SetCreationTime() , GetModificationTime() , SetModificationTime() , GetAccessTime() , SetAccessTime() |
status_t GetCreationTime(time_t *ctime) const status_t SetCreationTime(time_t ctime) status_t GetModificationTime(time_t *mtime) const status_t SetModificationTime(time_t mtime) status_t GetAccessTime(time_t *atime) const status_t SetAccessTime(time_t atime)
Access time is currently unused.
These function let you get and set the time at which the item was created, last modified, and last accessed (opened). The measure of time is given as seconds since (the beginning of ) January 1, 1970.
The time quanta that stat uses is seconds; the rest of the BeOS measures time in microseconds (bigtime_t).
- B_OK. Success.
- B_NOT_ALLOWED. You tried to set a time field for a file on a read-only volume.
- B_NO_MEMORY. Couldn't get the necessary resources to complete the transaction.
- B_BAD_VALUE. The node doesn't exist (abstract entry).
![]() | GetGroup() see GetOwner() |
![]() | GetNodeRef() |
status_t GetNodeRef(node_ref *nref) const Copies the item's node_ref structure into the nref argument, which must be allocated.
Typically, you use an node's node_ref as a key to the Node Monitor by passing the node_ref structure to the watch_node() function. The Node Monitor watches the node for specific changes; see "The Node Monitor" section of this chapter for details.
As a convenience, you can use a node_ref structure to initialize a BDirectory object (through the constructor or BDirectory::SetTo() function).
- B_OK. Success.
- B_NO_MEMORY. Couldn't get the necessary resources to complete the transaction.
- B_BAD_VALUE. The node doesn't exist (abstract entry).
![]() | GetModificationTime() see GetCreationTime() |
![]() | GetOwner() , SetOwner() , GetGroup() , SetGroup() , GetPermissions() , SetPermissions() |
status_t GetOwner(uid_t *owner) const status_t SetOwner(uid_t owner) status_t GetGroup(gid_t *group) const status_t SetGroup(gid_t group) status_t GetPermissions(mode_t *perms) const status_t SetPermissions(mode_t perms) These functions set and get the owner, group, and read/write/execute permissions for the node:
- The owner identifier encodes the identity of the user that "owns" the file.
- The group identifier encodes the "group" that is permitted group access to the file (as declared by the permissions).
- The permissions value records nine "permission facts": Whether the file can be read, written, and executed by the node's owner, by users in the node's group, and by everybody else (read/write/execute * owner/group/others = 9 items).
The uid_t, gid_t, and mode_t types used here are standard POSIX types. All three are 32-bit unsigned integers and are defined in posix/sys/types.h.
The owner and group encodings must match values found in the system's user and group files (which are as currently unimplemented).
The permissions value is a combination of the following bitfield constants (defined in posix/sys/stat.h):
- S_IRUSR owner's read bit.
- S_IWUSR owner's write bit.
- S_IXUSR owner's execute bit.
- S_IRGRP group's read bit.
- S_IWGRP group's write bit.
- S_IXGRP group's execute bit.
- S_IROTH others' read bit.
- S_IWOTH others' write bit.
- S_IXOTH others' execute bit.
For example:
/* Is a file readable by everybody? */
mode_t perms;
if (node.GetPermissions(&perms) < B_OK)
/* handle the error... */
if (perms & S_ISROTH)
// Yes it is
// No it isn't
- B_OK. Success.
- B_NOT_ALLOWED. You tried to set permissions on a read-only volume.
- B_BAD_VALUE. The node doesn't exist (abstract entry).
![]() | GetPermissions() see GetOwner() |
![]() | GetSize() |
status_t GetSize(off_t *size) const Gets the size of the node's data portion (in bytes). Only the "used" portions of the node's file blocks are counted; the amount of storage the node actually requires (i.e. the number of blocks the node consumes) may be larger than the size given here.
The size measurement doesn't include the node's attributes.
- B_OK. Success.
- B_NO_MEMORY. Couldn't get the necessary resources to complete the transaction.
- B_BAD_VALUE. The node doesn't exist (abstract entry).
![]() | GetStat() |
virtual status_t GetStat(struct stat *st) const GetStat() returns the stat structure for the node. The structure is copied into the st argument, which must be allocated. The stat structure is described in "The stat Structure", below. The BStatable object does not cache the stat structure; every time you call GetStat(), fresh stat information is retrieved.
- B_OK. Success.
- B_NO_MEMORY. Couldn't get the necessary resources to complete the transaction.
- B_BAD_VALUE. The node doesn't exist (abstract entry).
![]() | IsDirectory() see IsFile() |
![]() | IsFile() , IsDirectory() , IsSymLink() |
bool IsFile(void) const bool IsDirectory(void) const bool IsSymLink(void) const These functions return true if the node is a plain file, a directory, or a symbolic link, respectively.
![]() |
IsSymLink() see IsFile()
SetAccessTime() see GetCreationTime()
| ![]()
SetCreationTime() see GetCreationTime()
| ![]()
SetGroup() see GetOwner()
| ![]()
SetModificationTime() see GetCreationTime()
| ![]()
SetOwner() see GetOwner()
| ![]()
SetPermissions() see GetOwner()
| |
Declared in: be/posix/sys/stat.hThe stat structure looks like this:
struct stat {
dev_t st_dev;
ino_t st_ino;
mode_t st_mode;
nlink_t st_nlink;
uid_t st_uid;
gid_t st_gid;
off_t st_size;
dev_t st_rdev;
size_t st_blksize;
time_t st_atime;
time_t st_mtime;
time_t st_ctime;
} stat;
And the fields are...
- st_dev identifies the node's device.
- st_ino is the node's "inode" number.
By combining st_dev and st_ino you can roll your own node_ref:
node_ref nref;
stat st;
if (file.GetStat(&st) == B_OK) {
nref.dev = st.st_dev;
nref.node = st.st_ino;
- st_mode describes the node's flavor: plain file, directory or symbolic link. To test the field, pass it to the S_ISREG(), S_ISDIR(), and S_ISLNK() boolean macros:
if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
/* it's a "regular" file */
else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
/* it's a directory */
else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))
/* it's a symbolic link */
- st_nlink is the number of "hard links" that point to this node.
- st_uid and st_gid are the user (owner) and group ids that were described in the GetOwner() function.
- st_rdev is, well, no one really knows. It's provided for System V compatibility (hold your applause), but it's unused.
- st_blksize is the "preferred block size" that's used during copying. The cp command line program allocates buffers of this size when it's copying the file's data.
- st_atime, st_mtime, and st_ctime are the access, modification, and creation times in seconds since January 1, 1970. Access time (st_atime) is currently unused.
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