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My modem isn't listed


    The list of modems we have is limited. Many of them don't work with all models of the same line, so sometimes a connection will be troublesome.

    The options we enable or disable with your modem don't work for your connection.

Things to try:

  1. There is a good chance that the initialization string that comes with the BeOS isn't working correctly with your modem. You will need to find a working init string for your modem to make the change useful. Again, you can take it from your other operating system, modem manual, or the manufacturer. Even after this, you may need to tweak the init string to be more compatible.

    To add your init string, you need to do the following:
    1. Open the DialUpNetworking preference.
    2. Click Modem...
    3. Click Custom...
    4. Name your modem. Mine's Fred.
    5. Type in the init string you want to use. The AT Commands popup and button may be able to help you tweak the string.
    6. Click Done for each window and then save and restart networking as prompted.
  2. There are MacOS and Windows files that log the PPP connection. You can use these to find the init string used for your other OS connection. Here are some widely used options to make a connection more compatible:

    1. Add K0 (note: that's a zero, not "o") to the init string. If there is already a K# setting, replace it with K0. This disables data compression and makes the connection more compatible. Usually.
    2. Add M0 to the init string. If there is already an M# setting, replace it with M0. This disables error correction and again makes the connection more compatible in many circumstances.

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