Derived from: BLooper > BHandler
Mix-in classes: BArchivable
Declared in: be/interface/Window.h
Library: libbe.so
Allocation: Constructor only
Summary: more...
A BWindow object represents a window that can be displayed on the screen, and that can be the target of user events. You almost always create your own BWindow subclass(es) rather than use direct instances of BWindow.
BWindow objects draw windows by talking to the App Server. If you want to take over the entire screen or draw directly into the graphics card's frame buffer (by-passing the App Server), you should use a BDirectWindow or BWindowScreen object (both classes are defined in the Game Kit).
You must create your BApplication object (be_app) before you create any windows. be_app needn't be running to construct—or even show—a window, but it must be running for the window to receive notifications of user events (mouse clicks, key presses, etc.).Typically, the first thing you do with your BWindow is add BViews to it, through the AddChild() function. Again, be_app needn't be running at this point, nor must the window be showing.
Even though it inherits from BLooper, you never invoke Run() on a BWindow. Instead, you call Show(). In addition to putting the window on-screen, the first (and only the first) Show() invocation starts the BWindow's message loop. To remove a window from the screen without interrupting the object's message loop, use Hide(). Other message loop details (locking and quitting in particular) are handled as described in the BLooper class.
If you create a BWindow-derived class that uses multiple inheritance, make sure the first class your mixin class inherits from is BWindow; otherwise, you'll crash when you try to close the window. This happens because of an interaction between the window thread how C++ deletes objects of a multiply-inherited class. In other words: class myClass : public BWindow, public OtherClass
is safe, while class myClass : public OtherClass, public BWindow
is not.
![]() | BWindow() |
BWindow(BRect frame,
const char *title,
window_type type,
uint32 flags,
uint32 workspaces = B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE)
BWindow(BRect frame,
const char *title,
window_look look,
window_feel feel,
uint32 flags,
uint32 workspace = B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE)
BWindow(BMessage *archive)Creates a new window:
- frame is the window's content area rectangle given in screen coordinates. The window's border and title tab (if any) are wrapped around the content area. The frame's coordinates are rounded to the nearest whole number. You can further restrict the window's frame through SetWindowAlignment() and SetSizeLimits().
- title is the string that's displayed in the window's title tab (if it has one). The string is also used, with the prefix "w>", as the name of the window's looper thread: "w>title". You can reset the title through SetTitle().
- look/feel or type. The appearance and behavior of the window is defined by a combination of the look and feel arguments, or by a single type. See the window_look, window_feel, and window_type descriptions for a list of values. The look and feel can be reset through SetLook(), SetFeel(), and SetType().
- The flags argument is a mask that defines the window's "user attributes"—whether the user can resize or close the window, whether the window avoids front when the user closes other windows, and so on. See "Window Flags." for a list of values. The flags can be reset through SetFlags().
- workspaces is a mask that tells the window which of the 32 potential workspace(s) it should be displayed in (it can be displayed in more than one workspace at the same time). For example, a workspaces of (1<<2)+(1<<7) tells the window to display itself in workspaces 2 and 7. Instead of passing a bitmask, you can also use the B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE or B_ALL_WORKSPACES constant. By default, the window appears in the current (active) workspace. You can reset the workspaces through SetWorkspaces().
A freshly-created window is hidden and locked. After construction, you add BViews to the BWindow through AddChild(), and then show the window (and start its message loop) by calling Show().
![]() | ~BWindow() |
You never delete your BWindows; call Quit() instead.
![]() | Instantiate() see BArchivable::Instantiate() |
![]() | Activate() , IsActive() , WindowActivated() |
void Activate(bool flag = true) bool IsActive(void) const virtual void WindowActivated(bool active) Activate() makes the BWindow the active window (if flag is true), or causes it to relinquish that status (if flag is false). The active window is made frontmost, its title tab is highlighted, and it becomes the target of keyboard events. The Show() function automatically activates the window.
You can't activate a hidden window.
You rarely call Activate() yourself. Deciding which window to make active is the user's choice.
IsActive() returns true if the window is currently the active window, and false if it's not.
WindowActivated() is a hook function that's automatically invoked on the BWindow (and each of its BView children) when the window is activated or deactivated. If active is true, the window has just become the active window; if it's false, it's about to give up that status. You can implement WindowActivated() to do whatever you want; the default implementation does nothing.
See also: BView::WindowActivated()
![]() | AddChild() , RemoveChild() , ChildAt() , CountChildren() |
void AddChild(BView *aView, BView *sibling = NULL) bool RemoveChild(BView *aView) BView *ChildAt(int32 index) const int32 CountChildren(void) const AddChild() places aView (and its child views) in the window, adds it to the window's view list, and adds it to the window's list of handlers:
- Graphically, the view is placed in the window's coordinate system at the location defined by its the view's frame rectangle.
- In the window's view list, aView is inserted before sibling. If sibling is NULL, aView is added at the end of the list. Note, however, that window list order is of little significance; for example, it doesn't affect the order in which sibling views are drawn.
- aView and its children are added to the window's handler list; aView's next handler is set to this BWindow.
Each BView in aView's hierarchy is sent an AttachedToWindow() call. When they've all had a chance to respond, they're each sent an AllAttached() call.
If aView has already been added to a view hierarchy, or if sibling isn't in the window's view list, AddChild() fails.
RemoveChild() removes aView (and its children) from the window's display, view list, and handler list, and sets aView's next handler to NULL. DetachedFromWindow() and AllDetached() are invoked on aView and each of its children. If aView isn't in the window's view list, the function fails and returns false; it returns true upon success.
ChildAt() returns the index'th view in the window's view list, or NULL if index is out of bounds (you've reached the end of the list). The view list doesn't recurse; to build a full map of a window's view hierarchy, you call BView::ChildAt() iteratively on each of the window's views (and each of their children, etc.).
See also: BView::Parent()
![]() | AddShortcut() , RemoveShortcut() |
void AddShortcut(uint32 key,
uint32 modifiers,
BMessage *message)
void AddShortcut(uint32 key,
uint32 modifiers,
BMessage *message,
BHandler *handler)void RemoveShortcut(uint32 key, uint32 modifiers) AddShortcut() creates a keyboard shortcut: When the user types Command+modifiers+key, message is sent to handler. If a shortcut already exists for modifiers+key, it's removed before the new shortcut is added.
RemoveShortcut() removes the shortcut for modifiers+key.
Don't use these functions to create and remove menu shortcuts; use BMenuItem objects instead.
Notes on the arguments:
- key is a case-insensitive character value. If you want to map to an uppercase character, you have to include B_SHIFT_KEY in the modifiers mask.
- modifiers is an OR'd list of modifier key numbers. B_COMMAND_KEY, which is always assumed, needn't be added to the mask. See modifiers() for a list of modifier keys.
- message is a model of the BMessage you want sent when the user types the shortcut. The BWindow takes ownership of the message object and adds a "when" field to it:
Field name Type code Description "when" B_INT64_TYPE The time of the key-down, in microseconds since 01/01/70.
- handler must be in the window's handler list (or the message won't be sent). If you exclude the argument, this BWindow handles the message. If handler is (literally) NULL, the message is sent to the BWindow's focus view (or to the BWindow if no view is in focus).
As with all Command events, a B_KEY_DOWN message isn't sent when the user invokes a keyboard shortcut, but the subsequent B_KEY_UP is.
Every BWindow has five built-in shortcuts:
Shortcut Message Handler Command+x B_CUT the focus view Command+c B_COPY the focus view Command+v B_PASTE the focus view Command+a B_SELECT_ALL the focus view Command+w
(closable windows only)B_QUIT_REQUESTED the BWindow In addition, BWindows respond to Command+q by posting B_QUIT_REQUESTED to be_app.
![]() | AddToSubset() , RemoveFromSubset() |
status_t AddToSubset(BWindow *window) status_t RemoveFromSubset(BWindow *window) Adds windows to and removes them from this window's subset. This affects modal and floating windows with a subset feel only (i.e. B_MODAL_SUBSET_WINDOW_FEEL or B_FLOATING_SUBSET_WINDOW_FEEL). A subset feel window blocks or floats above only those windows in its subset. To set the window's feel, use SetFeel().
![]() | Archive() |
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage *archive, bool deep = true) const Archives the BWindow by recording its frame rectangle, title, type, and flags in the BMessage archive. If the deep flag is true, this function also archives all the views in the window's view hierarchy. If the flag is false, only the BWindow is archived.
See also: BArchivable::Archive(), Instantiate() static function
![]() | Bounds() , Frame() |
BRect Bounds(void) const BRect Frame(void) const These functions return the rectangle that encloses the window's content area. The bounds rectangle (Bounds()) is expressed in the window's coordinate system; the frame rectangle (Frame()) is expressed in the screen's coordinate system.
The rectangles are cached by the BWindow itself—calling these functions doesn't incur a trip to the App Server.
![]() |
ChildAt() see AddChild()
CountChildren() see AddChild()
| ![]()
CommitViewTransaction() see OpenViewTransaction() | |
![]() | ConvertToScreen() , ConvertFromScreen() |
BPoint ConvertToScreen(BPoint windowPoint) const
void ConvertToScreen(BPoint *windowPoint) const
BRect ConvertToScreen(BRect windowRect) const
void ConvertToScreen(BRect *windowRect) constBPoint ConvertFromScreen(BPoint screenPoint) const
void ConvertFromScreen(BPoint *screenPoint) const
BRect ConvertFromScreen(BRect screenRect) const
void ConvertFromScreen(BRect *screenRect) constConverts the argument from window coordinates to screen coordinates or vice versa. The point or rect needn't fall within this BWindow's bounds.
If the argument is passed by value, the function returns the converted value; if it's by pointer, the conversion is done in-place.
The BWindow must be locked.
![]() | CurrentFocus() |
BView *CurrentFocus(void) const Returns the current focus view for the BWindow, or NULL if no view is currently in focus. The focus view is the BView that's responsible for showing the current selection and is the target for keyboard messages directed at this BWindow. The focus view is set through BView::MakeFocus().
The BWindow sets its preferred handler to be the focus view, so the inherited PreferredHandler() function will return this same object (but as a BHandler).
![]() | DefaultButton() see SetDefaultButton() |
![]() | DisableUpdates() , EnableUpdates() |
void DisableUpdates(void) void EnableUpdates(void) These functions disable automatic updating within the window, and re-enable it again. Any drawing that's done while updates are disabled is suppressed until updates are re-enabled. If you're doing a lot of drawing within the window, and you want the results of the drawing to appear all at once, you should disable updates, draw, and then re-enable updates.
See also: BView::Invalidate(), UpdateIfNeeded()
![]() | DispatchMessage() |
Implementation detail; see BLooper::DispatchMessage().
![]() |
You shouldn't override this function in a BWindow subclass; if you want to augment the window's message-dispatching mechanism, override MessageReceived().
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EnableUpdates() see DisableUpdates()
Feel() see SetFeel()
| ![]()
Flags() see SetFlags() | |
![]() | FindView() |
BView *FindView(BPoint point) const
BView *FindView(const char *name) constReturns the view located at point within the window, or the view tagged with name. The functions returns NULL if no view is found.
![]() | Flush() , Sync() |
void Flush(void) const void Sync(void) const Both of these functions cause this window's App Server-bound messages to be sent immediately. Flush() sends the messages and returns immediately; Sync() send the messages and waits for the App Server to respond. In other words, when Sync() returns you're guaranteed that all of the flushed messages have been processed.
See also: BView::Flush()
![]() | Frame() see Bounds() |
![]() | FrameMoved() , FrameResized() |
virtual void FrameMoved(BPoint origin) virtual void FrameResized(float width, float height) These hook functions are invoked just after the window's frame is moved or resized, whether by the user or programatically. The arguments give the window's new origin (in screen coordinates) or dimensions. The default implementations do nothing.
![]() | GetSizeLimits() see SetSizeLimits() |
![]() | GetSupportedSuites() |
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites(BMessage *message) Adds the name "suite/vnd.Be-window" to the message.
See also: BHandler::GetSupportedSuites()
![]() |
GetWindowAlignment() see SetWindowAlignment()
Hide() see Show()
| ![]()
IsFloating() see IsFront() | |
![]() | IsFront() , IsFloating() , IsModal() |
bool IsFront(void) const bool IsFloating(void) const bool IsModal(void) const These functions return true if the window is frontmost on screen, if it has a floating window feel, and if it has a modal window feel, respectively.
A floating window can never be the frontmost window.
![]() |
IsMinimized() see Show()
IsModal() see IsFront()
| ![]()
KeyMenuBar() see SetKeyMenuBar() | |
![]() | LastMouseMovedView() |
BView *LastMouseMovedView(void) Returns a pointer to the view in this window that most recently received a B_MOUSE_MOVED message.
![]() | Look() see SetLook() |
![]() | MenusBeginning() , MenusEnded() |
virtual void MenusBeginning(void) virtual void MenusEnded(void) The MenusBeginning() hook function is called just before menus belonging to the window are about to be shown to the user. MenusEnded() is called when the menus have been removed from the screen. The default implementations do nothing. You can implement these functions to make sure the menus' states accurately reflect the state of the window.
These hook functions are not invoked because of messages—don't go looking for a "menus beginning" or "menus ended" message.
![]() | MessageReceived() |
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *message) Implementation detail. See BHandler::MessageReceived().
![]() | Minimize() see Show() |
![]() | MoveBy() , MoveTo() |
void MoveBy(float horizontal, float vertical) void MoveTo(BPoint point)
void MoveTo(float x, float y)These functions move the window without resizing it. MoveBy() adds horizontal coordinate units to the left and right components of the window's frame rectangle and vertical units to the frame's top and bottom. If horizontal and vertical are negative, the window moves upward and to the left. If they're positive, it moves downward and to the right. MoveTo() moves the left top corner of the window's content area to point—or (x, y)—in the screen coordinate system; it adjusts all coordinates in the frame rectangle accordingly.
None of the values passed to these functions should specify fractional coordinates; a window must be aligned on screen pixels. Fractional values will be rounded to the closest whole number.
Neither function alters the BWindow's coordinate system or bounds rectangle.
When these functions move a window, a window-moved event is reported to the window. This results in the BWindow's FrameMoved() function being called.
See also: FrameMoved()
![]() | NeedsUpdate() |
bool NeedsUpdate(void) const Returns true if any of the views within the window need to be updated, and false if they're all up-to-date.
![]() | OpenViewTransaction() , CommitViewTransaction() |
virtual void OpenViewTransaction(void) virtual void CommitViewTransaction(void) These two functions bracket a series of "batched" drawing instructions. After you call OpenViewTransaction(), everything you draw in the window is bundled up and then sent to the app server (and rendered) when you call CommitViewTransaction(). You can only perform one transaction (per window) at a time. The BWindow must be locked when you call OpenViewTransaction(), and must remain locked until after you call CommitViewTransaction(). Invocations of Flush() are ignored while a transaction is open (and locked).
![]() |
PreferredHandler() see CurrentFocus()
PulseRate() see SetPulseRate() | |
![]() | Quit() |
virtual void Quit(void) Quit() removes the window from the screen, deletes all the BViews in its view hierarchy, destroys the window thread, removes the window's connection to the Application Server, and deletes the BWindow object.
Use this function, rather than the delete operator, to destroy a window.
BWindow's Quit() works much like the BLooper function it overrides. When called from the BWindow's thread, it doesn't return. When called from another thread, it returns after all previously posted messages have been processed and the BWindow and its thread have been destroyed.
The window must be locked when you call Quit().
See also: BLooper::QuitRequested(), BLooper::Quit(), BApplication::QuitRequested()
![]() |
RemoveChild() see AddChild()
RemoveShortcut() see AddShortcut() | |
![]() | ResizeBy() , ResizeTo() |
void ResizeBy(float horizontal, float vertical) void ResizeTo(float width, float height) These functions resize the window, while keeping its left top corner constant. ResizeBy() adds horizontal pixels to the width of the window's frame and vertical pixels to its height. ResizeTo() sets the frame absolutely to [width, height] pixels. Fractional components are rounded to the nearest whole number.
The FrameResized() hook function is called after the frame has been resized.
![]() | ResolveSpecifier() |
virtual BHandler *ResolveSpecifier(BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 command, const char *property) Resolves specifiers for the "Frame", "Title", and "View" properties. See "Scripting Support" in the class overview for more information.
See also: BHandler::ResolveSpecifier()
![]() | ScreenChanged() |
virtual void ScreenChanged(BRect frame, color_space mode) Hook function that's called when the screen (on which this window is located) changes size or location in the screen coordinate system, or changes color space (depth). frame is the screen's new frame rectangle, and mode is its new color space.
See also: BScreen::Frame()
![]() | SendBehind() |
status_t SendBehind(const BWindow *window) Relayers the windows on the screen so this window is behind window.
![]() | SetDefaultButton() , DefaultButton() |
void SetDefaultButton(BButton *button) BButton *DefaultButton(void) const Set and return the window's default button. This is the button that's mapped to the Enter key. The user can activate the default button at any time—even if another BView is the focus view (the focus view will not receive a B_KEY_DOWN message). To remove the current default (without promoting another button) call SetDefaultButton(NULL). There can only be one default button at a time; SetDefaultButton() demotes the previous default.
When you promote or demote a default button, it's automatically redisplayed and receives a BButton::MakeDefault() call.
![]() | SetFeel() , Feel() |
status_t SetFeel(window_feel feel) window_feel Feel(void) const SetFeel() changes the window's feel to the specified value.
Feel() returns the current feel of the window.
See the BWindow constructor for a list of window_feel constants.
![]() | SetFlags() , Flags() |
status_t SetFlags(uint32 flags) uint32 Flags(void) const SetFlags() set the window's flags (or "user attributes") to the specified combination. Flags() returns the current flags.
See "Window Flags." for a list of the flag values.
![]() | SetKeyMenuBar() , KeyMenuBar() |
void SetKeyMenuBar(BMenuBar *menuBar) BMenuBar *KeyMenuBar(void) const SetKeyMenuBar() makes the specified BMenuBar object the "key" menu bar for the window—the object that's at the root of the menu hierarchy that users can navigate using the keyboard. KeyMenuBar() returns the object with key status, or NULL if the window doesn't have a BMenuBar object in its view hierarchy.
If a window contains only one BMenuBar view, it's automatically designated the key menu bar. If there's more than one BMenuBar in the window, the last one added to the window's view hierarchy is considered to be the key one.
If there's a "true" menu bar displayed along the top of the window, its menu hierarchy is the one that users should be able to navigate with the keyboard. SetKeyMenuBar() can be called to make sure that the BMenuBar object at the root of that hierarchy is the "key" menu bar.
![]() | SetLook() , Look() |
status_t SetLook(window_look look) window_look Look(void) const SetLook() changes the window's look to the specified value.
Look() returns the current look of the window.
See the BWindow constructor for a list of window_look constants.
![]() | SetPulseRate() , PulseRate() |
void SetPulseRate(bigtime_t microseconds) bigtime_t PulseRate(void) These functions set and return how often Pulse() is called for the BWindow's views (how often B_PULSE messages are posted to the window). All BViews attached to the same window share the same pulse rate.
By turning on the B_PULSE_NEEDED flag, a BView can request periodic Pulse() notifications. By default, B_PULSE messages are posted every 500,000 microseconds, as long as no other messages are pending. Each message causes Pulse() to be called once for every BView that requested the notification. There are no pulses if no BViews request them.
SetPulseRate() permits you to set a different interval. The interval set should not be less than 100,000 microseconds; differences less than 50,000 microseconds may not be noticeable. A finer granularity can't be guaranteed.
Setting the pulse rate to 0 disables pulsing for all views in the window.
See also: BView::Pulse(), the BView constructor
![]() | SetSizeLimits() , GetSizeLimits() , SetZoomLimits() |
void SetSizeLimits(float minWidth, float maxWidth,
float minHeight, float maxHeight)void GetSizeLimits(float *minWidth, float *maxWidth,
float *minHeight, float *maxHeight)void SetZoomLimits(float maxWidth, float maxHeight) These functions set and report limits on the size of the window. The user won't be able to resize the window beyond the limits set by SetSizeLimits()—to make it have a width less than minWidth or greater than maxWidth, nor a height less than minHeight or greater than maxHeight. By default, the minimums are sufficiently small and the maximums sufficiently large to accommodate any window within reason.
SetSizeLimits() constrains the user, not the programmer. It's legal for an application to set a window size that falls outside the permitted range. The limits are imposed only when the user attempts to resize the window; at that time, the window will jump to a size that's within range.
GetSizeLimits() writes the current limits to the variables provided.
SetZoomLimits() sets the maximum size that the window will zoom to (when the Zoom() function is called). The maximums set by SetSizeLimits() also apply to zooming; the window will zoom to the screen size or to the smaller of the maximums set by these two functions.
Since the sides of a window must line up on screen pixels, the values passed to both SetSizeLimits() and SetZoomLimits() should be whole numbers.
See also: the BWindow constructor, Zoom()
![]() | SetTitle() , Title() |
void SetTitle(const char *newTitle) const char *Title(void) const These functions set and return the window's title. SetTitle() replaces the current title with newTitle. It also renames the window thread in the following format:
where as many characters of the newTitle are included in the thread name as will fit.
Title() returns a pointer to the current title. The returned string is null-terminated. It belongs to the BWindow object, which may alter the string or free the memory where it resides without notice. Applications should ask for the title each time it's needed and make a copy for their own purposes.
A window's title and thread name are originally set by an argument passed to the BWindow constructor.
See also: the BWindow constructor
![]() | SetType() , Type() |
status_t SetType(window_type type) window_type Type(void) const SetType() changes the type of the window to the specified value. Type() returns the type. You normally set the window's type when it's constructed. .
The type is set at construction (or by SetType()) as one of the following constants (full descriptions can be found in the discussion of the BWindow constructor):
![]() | SetWindowAlignment() , GetWindowAlignment() |
status_t SetWindowAlignment(window_alignment mode, int32 h,
int32 hOffset = 0,
int32 width = 0,
int32 widthOffset = 0,
int32 v = 0,
int32 vOffset = 0,
int32 height = 0,
int32 heightOffset = 0)status_t GetWindowAlignment(window_alignment *mode = NULL,
int32 *h = NULL,
int32 *hOffset = NULL,
int32 *width = NULL,
int32 *widthOffset = NULL,
int32 *v = NULL,
int32 *vOffset = NULL,
int32 *height = NULL,
int32 *heightOffset = NULL) constSetWindowAlignment() sets the current alignment of the window content on the screen. mode is either B_PIXEL_ALIGNMENT or B_BYTE_ALIGNMENT.
If mode is B_PIXEL_ALIGNMENT, SetWindowAlignment() aligns the window in pixel coordinates. h and hOffset together determine the horizontal alignment: h gives the horizontal origin step while hOffset is the horizontal offset. hOffset must be between 1 and h (as a convenience, 0 is taken to mean 1). For example, if h is 4 and hOffset is 1, valid horizontal origins would be ..., -7, -3, 1, 5, 9, ... Similarly, width/widthOffset, v/vOffset, height/heightOffset give you control over the other window parameters.
If mode is B_BYTE_ALIGNMENT, then the alignment is given in terms of frame buffer offsets. However, the setting only affects the horizontal origin and width. You can't align the right and bottom edges in B_BYTE_ALIGNMENT mode.
GetWindowAlignment() returns the current window alignment.
Both methods return B_NO_ERROR on success and B_ERROR otherwise.
![]() | SetWorkspaces() , Workspaces() |
void SetWorkspaces(uint32 workspaces) uint32 Workspaces(void) const These functions set and return the set of workspaces where the window can be displayed. The workspaces argument passed to SetWorkspaces() and the value returned by Workspaces() is a bitfield with one bit set for each workspace in which the window can appear. Usually a window appears in just one workspace.
SetWorkspaces() can associate a window with workspaces that don't exist yet. The window will appear in those workspaces if and when the user creates them.
You can pass B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE as the workspaces argument to place the window in the workspace that's currently displayed (the active workspace) and remove it from all others, or B_ALL_WORKSPACES to make sure the window shows up in all workspaces, including any new ones that the user might create. Workspaces() may return B_ALL_WORKSPACES, but will identify the current workspace rather than return B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE.
Changing a BWindow's set of workspaces causes it to be notified with a WorkspacesChanged() function call.
See also: the BWindow constructor, WorkspacesChanged()
![]() |
SetZoomLimits() see SetSizeLimits()
Show() see Hide()
| ![]()
Sync() see Flush()
| ![]()
Title() see SetTitle()
| ![]()
Type() see SetType() | |
![]() | Show() , Hide() , IsHidden() , Minimize() , IsMinimized() |
virtual void Show(void) virtual void Hide(void) bool IsHidden(void) const virtual void Minimize(bool minimize) bool IsMinimized(void) const These functions hide and show the window.
Show() places the window frontmost on the screen (but behind any applicable floating or modal windows), places it on Deskbar's window list, and makes it the active window. If this is the BWindow's first Show(), the object's message loop is started, and the object is unlocked.
Hide() removes the window from the screen, removes it from Deskbar's window list, and passes active status to some other window (if this is the active window). If Hide() is called more than once, you'll need to call Show() an equal number of times for the window to become visible again.
Minimize() hides and shows the window (and passes active status), as minimize is true or false. The difference between this function and Hide()/Show() is that Minimize() dims (and undims) the window's entry in Deskbar's window list, but doesn't remove the entry altogether. Also, a single Minimize(false) "undoes" any number of Minimize(true) calls.
Minimize() also acts as a hook that's invoked when the user double-clicks the window's title tab or selects the window from DeskBar's window list. If minimize is true, the window is about to be hidden; if false, it's about to be shown. The Minimize() function itself does the hiding and showing—if you override Minimize() and you want to inherit the BWindow behaviour, you must call BWindow::Minimize() in your implementation.
IsHidden() returns true if the window is currently hidden (i.e. through Hide()). IsMinimized() returns true if the window is minimized. Hiding takes precendence over minimization. For example, in both of these sequences...
/* or */
...the window is hidden but not minimized.
See also: B_MINIMIZE
![]() | UpdateIfNeeded() |
void UpdateIfNeeded(void) Immediately and synchronously invokes Draw() on each child view that needs updating. This function is ignored if its called from any thread other than the BWindow's message loop. You call it as part of the implementation of a user interface hook function (MouseMoved(), KeyDown(), et. al.) to force invalid views to be immediately redrawn without having to wait for the hook function to finish. See "Forcing an Update while Responding to an Event" for details and an example.
![]() |
WindowActivated() see Activate()
Workspaces() see SetWorkspaces() | |
![]() | WorkspaceActivated() |
virtual void WorkspaceActivated(int32 workspace, bool active) Implemented by derived classes to respond to a notification that the workspace displayed on the screen has changed. All windows in the newly activated workspace as well as those in the one that was just deactivated get this notification.
The workspace argument is an index to the workspace in question and the active flag conveys its current status. If active is true, the workspace has just become the active workspace. If active is false, it has just stopped being the active workspace.
The default (BWindow) version of this function is empty.
See also: "B_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATED" in the Message Protocols appendix, activate_workspace()
![]() | WorkspacesChanged() |
virtual void WorkspacesChanged(uint32 oldWorkspaces, uint32 newWorkspaces) Implemented by derived classes to respond to a notification the the window has just changed the set of workspaces in which it can be displayed from oldWorkspaces to newWorkspaces. This typically happens when the user moves a window from one workspace to another, but it may also happen when a programmatic change is made to the set of permitted workspaces. Each workspace is represented by a corresponding bit in the oldWorkspaces and newWorkspaces masks.
The default (BWindow) version of this function is empty.
See also: "B_WORKSPACES_CHANGED" in the Message Protocols appendix, SetWorkspaces()
![]() | Zoom() |
void Zoom(void)
virtual void Zoom(BPoint origin, float width, float height)The non-virtual Zoom() (which is called when the user clicks the zoom button, but can also be called programatically) figures out a new size and location for the window (as described below), and then passes these dimensions to the virtual Zoom() hook function. It's hook Zoom()'s responsibility to actually resize and move the window; the default version applies the arguments explicitly by calling MoveTo() and ResizeTo(). You can re-implement hook Zoom() to create a new zooming algorithm that incorporates or ignores the arguments as you see fit.
The dimensions that non-virtual Zoom() passes to hook Zoom() are deduced from the smallest of three rectangles: 1) the screen rectangle, 2) the rectangle defined by SetZoomLimits(), 3) the rectangle defined by SetSizeLimits(). However, if the window's rectangle already matches these "zoom" dimensions (give or take a few pixels), Zoom() passes the window's previous ("non-zoomed") size and location.
You can effectively call Zoom() even if the window is B_NOT_ZOOMABLE.
Zoom() may both move and resize the window, resulting in FrameMoved() and FrameResized() notifications.
![]() | window_look |
Window Look Meaning B_DOCUMENT_WINDOW_LOOK Large title bar, thick border, draggable "resize box" . B_TITLED_WINDOW_LOOK Same as the document window, but with a less substantial "resize corner". B_FLOATING_WINDOW_LOOK Small title bar, thin border, resize corner. B_MODAL_WINDOW_LOOK No title bar, thick border, no resize control (by convention; see the B_NOT_RESIZABLE window flag). B_BORDERED_WINDOW_LOOK No title bar, line border, no resize control. B_NO_BORDER_WINDOW_LOOK A borderless white rectangle. The user can't move or close this window. The window_look constants define the appearance of the window—the look of its title tab, border, and the type of "resize control" (in the bottom right corner of the window). The look is set in the constructor or in the SetLook() function. The table below lists and briefly describes the window_look values.
![]() | window_feel |
1 To set a window's subset, use AddToSubset().
2 Modal windows are drawn in front of floating windows.
The window_feel constants govern a window's behavior in relation to other windows. The feel is set in the BWindow constructor or in SetFeel(). The table below briefly describes the window feels.
![]() | window_type |
![]() | Window Flags. |
Window Flag Meaning B_NOT_MOVABLE Prevents the user from being able to move the window. B_NOT_CLOSABLE Prevents the user from closing the window. B_NOT_ZOOMABLE Prevents the user from zooming the window. B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE Prevents the user from hiding the window by double-clicking the title tab. B_NOT_H_RESIZABLE
B_NOT_RESIZABLEPrevents the user from resizing the window horizontally and/or vertically (B_NOT_RESIZABLE is the same as the sum of the other two constants). B_OUTLINE_RESIZE The window draws only the outline of its new dimensions as it's being resized, and doesn't refresh its contents. B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK Tells a non-active window to process an activating mouse click (the "first" mouse click) as if it were already active. The BView that responds to the mouse-down message must activate the window. By default, the first mouse click in a non-active window activates the window, and then the mouse click event is thrown away. B_AVOID_FRONT Prevents the window from becoming the frontmost window. B_AVOID_FOCUS Prevents the window from being the target of keyboard events. B_NO_WORKSPACE_ACTIVATION When a window is first shown, the workspace normally switches to the one in which the window is displayed. Setting this flag keeps this from happening. B_NOT_ANCHORED_ON_ACTIVATE Tells the system to bring the window to the current workspace when the window is selected from Deskbar's window list. Normally, selecting a window from the list activates the workspace that the window is currently in. B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS Tells the window to allow controls to run asynchronously. All windows that contain controls should include this flag (it's off by default because of backwards compatibility). B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE Currently has no effect. The window flags (or "user attributes") define miscellaneous aspects of the window's interface, such as whether it can be moved or closed by the user. You combine the flags that you want and pass them to the BWindow constructor or SetFlags().
The default behavior is the inverse of all these flags—i.e. a window is normally movable, closable, resizable, and so on. However, some window looks and feels cause imply some of these flags. For example, a modal feel window can't be minimized (hidden)
![]() | Window Workspaces |
Workspace Constant Meaning B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE Appear in the current workspace. B_ALL_WORKSPACES Appear in all workspaces. You tell a window which workspaces to appear through the constructor, or through the SetWorkspaces() function. In practice, the only two realistic settings are represented by these constants.
Suite: "suite/vnd.Be-window"
Message Meaning B_WINDOW_MOVE_BY Moves the window by the distance specified by the B_POINT_TYPE field "data". B_WINDOW_MOVE_TO Moves the window to the position specified by the B_POINT_TYPE field "data".
![]() | "Feel" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns the current feel of the window. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the feel of the window. The "Feel" property represents the workspaces in which the window resides. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the window with the Feel() and SetFeel() methods.
![]() | "Flags" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns the current flags of the window. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the window flags. The "Flags" property represents the window flags. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the window with the Flags() and SetFlags() methods.
![]() | "Frame" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns the window's frame rectangle. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the window's frame rectangle. The "Frame" property represents the frame rectangle of the window. The frame is passed as a BRect (B_RECT_TYPE).
![]() | "Hidden" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns true if the window is hidden; false otherwise. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Hides or shows the window. The "Hidden" property determines the visibility of the window. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the window with the IsHidden(), Hide(), and Show() methods with one caveat: nested Hide() and Show() calls are disabled so that multiple scripted "hides" are undone with a single scripted "show".
![]() | "Look" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns the current look of the window. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the look of the window. The "Look" property represents the constant that indicates how the window appears. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the window with the Look() and SetLook() methods.
![]() | "MenuBar" |
Message Specifiers Meaning any B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Directs the scripting message to the key menu bar. The "MenuBar" property pops the current specifier off the specifier stack and then passes the scripting message to the key menu bar. If no such menu bar is present, then an error is returned.
![]() | "Minimize" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Minimizes the window if "data" is true; restores otherwise. The "Minimize" property controls the whether the window is minimized or not. The message is equivalent to manipulating the window with the Minimize() method.
![]() | "Title" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns a string containing the window title. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the window title. The "Title" property represents the title of the window. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the window with the Title() and SetTitle() methods.
![]() | "View" |
Message Specifiers Meaning any any Directs the scripting message to the top view without popping the current specifier. The "View" property redirects all requests to the window's top view without popping the specifier from the stack.
![]() | "Workspaces" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns int32 bitfield of the workspaces in which the window appears. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the workspaces in which the window appears. The "Workspaces" property represents the workspaces in which the window resides. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the window with the Workspaces() and SetWorkspaces() methods.
Field Type code Meaning "_frame" B_RECT_TYPE The frame rectangle. "_title" B_STRING_TYPE The title of the BWindow. "_wlook" B_INT32_TYPE The BWindow look. "_wfeel" B_INT32_TYPE The BWindow feel. "_type" B_INT32_TYPE The BWindow type (if one exists). "_flags" B_INT32_TYPE The BWindow flags. "_wspace" B_INT32_TYPE The workspaces in which the BWindow appears. "_zoom"
(array)B_FLOAT_TYPE The horizontal and vertical zoom limits, if any exist. "_sizel"
(array)B_FLOAT_TYPE The minimum horizontal and vertical and maximum horizontal and vertical size limits, if any exist. "_pulse" B_INT64_TYPE The pulse rate, if not the default. "_views"
(array)B_MESSAGE_TYPE Child BViews. See Archived Fields [BView] for the BMessage format. (Deep archive only.)
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