Derived from: BHandler
Declared in: be/interface/View.h
Library: libbe.so
Summary: more...
This section describes BView's scripting and archival API.
The BView class implements the two scripting suites "suite/vnd.Be-view" and "suite/vnd.Be-container-view." "suite/vnd.Be-container-view" is only implemented if the view contains a shelf; the suite consists of the single property "Shelf."
![]() | "Frame" |
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns the view's frame rectangle. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Sets the view's frame rectangle. The "Frame" property represents the frame rectangle of the view. The frame is passed as a BRect (B_RECT_TYPE).
![]() | "Hidden" |
Visibility of the view
Message Specifiers Meaning B_GET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns true if the view is hidden; false otherwise. B_SET_PROPERTY B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Hides or shows the view. The "Hidden" property determines the visibility of the view. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the view with the IsHidden(), Hide(), and Show(). Note that this differs slightly from BWindow's "Hidden" property, where multiple hides or shows are not nested.
The "Hidden" property determines the visibility of the view. The messages are equivalent to manipulating the view with the IsHidden(), Hide(), and Show() methods with one caveat: nested Hide() and Show() calls are disabled so that multiple scripting Hide commands may be undone with a single Show.
BShelf attached to the view
Message Specifiers Meaning any B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Directs the scripting message to the shelf. The "Shelf" property pops the current specifier off the specifier stack and then passes the scripting message to the shelf. If no shelf is present, an error is returned.
Child views
Message Specifiers Meaning B_COUNT_PROPERTIES B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Returns the number of of child views. any B_INDEX_SPECIFIER,
B_NAME_SPECIFIERDirects the scripting message to the specified view. The "View" property represents the child views of the current view. For all messages except B_COUNT_PROPERTIES, the current specifier is popped off the specifier stack before the scripting message is passed to the target view. Views can be specified either by index (as found by ChildAt()), or name (as found by FindView()).
The Archive() function adds the following fields to its BMessage argument:
Field Type code Meaning "_frame" B_RECT_TYPE The view's frame rectangle. "_resize_mode" B_INT32_TYPE Resizing mode. "_flags" B_INT32_TYPE View flags. "_fname" (array) B_STRING_TYPE Font family and style. "_fflt" (array) B_FLOAT_TYPE Font size, shear, and rotation (-1 if default). "_color" (array) B_INT32_TYPE High, low, and view colors. "_evmask" (array) B_INT32_TYPE Event mask and options. "_dbuf" B_INT32_TYPE Double buffering flag. "_origin" B_POINT_TYPE Origin. "_psize" B_FLOAT_TYPE Pen size. "_ploc" B_POINT_TYPE Pen location. "_lmcapjoin" (array) B_INT16_TYPE Line cap mode and join mode. "_lmmiter" B_FLOAT_TYPE Line mode miter value. "_blend" (array) B_INT16_TYPE Blending alpha and mode. "_dmod" B_INT32_TYPE Drawing mode. "_views" B_MESSAGE_TYPE Archived child views (deep copy only). Some of these fields may not be present if the setting they represent isn't used, or is the default value. For example, if the font's family and style were not changed, the "_fname" field won't be found in the archive.
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